
Your star signs for November and December 2019

What do the upcoming two months hold in store for you? Consulting astrologer Christine Broadbent has scrutinised the planets and stars to uncover what they promise.


Apr 21–May 21

Now routine-loving Taurus hosts the great routine breaker and chaos maker — planet Uranus — and this cycle is highlighted in November/December. Hopeful visions that involve a partner or good friend take shape around November 9 to 14 but have to be reviewed in late November. Don’t lose hope, because your best and easiest change cycle lies ahead from December 11 to 20. Any turnarounds that bring uncertainty from December 22 to 24 should again be treated lightly. Allow instead December 26’s earthy New Moon to help you eclipse your fear of speaking from the heart. Embrace the changes this allows.


May 22–Jun 22

Since November is Jupiter’s last month in your partner sign, realisations come thick and fast. Yet November 1 to 21 is also a Mercury Retro period and these cycles of your ruler tend to make you review past actions. In this case it is financial and practical decisions under review and self-honesty is the best policy. A partner’s role in this could well be key. Forgiveness of self and others well supports a proactive December, with your Gemini Full Moon lighting up the sky on December 12. A new sense of spiritual peace builds over the next week and any disappointments come into perspective. Hope rises anew.


Jun 23–Jul 23

With the eclipses falling in Cancer/Capricorn through 2019, it has been all about family, home and security. November’s water and earth harmonies let you off the hook a bit, and maybe others step up. Yet Cancer does love to lead the charge, especially those with the Moon in Cancer. November 6 to 14 is a perfect time to kick back a little, with rich insights to be gained around the Full Moon on the 12th/13th. Any big tasks work best between November 29 and December 9, but beware of overkill on December 3 and 8. Get prepared for a new fateful eclipse cycle starting with December 26’s New Moon.


Jul 24–Aug 23

Shining brightly is a Leo trait, like warmth of personality. Yet Scorpio rime in November can dampen your good spirits through family upsets or just too many demands on your time and energy. November 4 to 5, 15 and 25 need a careful touch this year. Be prepared to set limits, give of yourself, and recover later. Do take note of the insights mid-November brings, then December 2 to 4 enables reconciliation, and an energy thrust that peaks around December 12’s Full Moon. Your personal creative projects and plans involving your clan both receive an open door, assisted by good communication and a cooperative ethos.


Aug 24–Sep 23

So often looking after others, Virgo gets a fine chance to look after herself/himself between November 9 and 14. Since guru planet Mercury is retro this month, don’t sweat the small frustrations and hold off on big projects. Healer heal thyself is the theme. Between November 21 and 23, Mercury goes direct, the Sun enters your home zone and a new energy arises. Just after November 27’s New Moon, a series of earthy harmonies enable a very productive and helpful time, stretching through much of December. In fact, December 12 to 20 could see unexpected travel and or study plans emerge suddenly. This has good potential.


Sep 24–Oct 23

Sweetly adjusting to other’s needs, often the organiser of others, Libra is maybe a tad exhausted as a demanding 2019 draws to a close. November is your best chance to recharge, before a busy period begins around November 29. December’s energy thrust has a practical focus with December 7 to 8 and 14 to 15 both weekends that support dynamic events. Your lovely ruler Venus is now Star of the Evening again and viewing her low in the west after sunset will connect you to your peaceful centre. After December 21 she supports less tasks, social pleasures and a lovely Venus Moon viewing on December 28 or 29.


Oct 24–Nov 22

November is your month in many ways. Firstly, let’s celebrate the Sun’s return and the fact that October 28’s New Moon in Scorpio provides a head start for rapid progress. Then there is the potency of a Mars-Jupiter harmony, while Taurus’ Full Moon illuminates the heart on November 12/13. Add in the fact that from November 19 Warrior Mars transits Scorpio and it’s natural home. This empowers you, forming numerous water and earth harmonies between December 2 and 23. Your inner warrior is best sustained by peaceful surrounds in which to work and dream, and close loving bonds. In this way, you come home to yourself.


Nov 23–Dec 21

November is the last month of your Jupiter year, and it will be 12 years before Jupiter returns to Sagittarius. Fortunately, there are three prime opportunities to receive final gifts from this rare and fortunate transit: The first is November 13’s Full Moon, when an enterprising planet combo means explore good plans with friends. Then comes November 24 when Lover Venus meets Jupiter in Sagittarius, opening your heart to rich connections. Finally, the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 27 highlights the need to give practical expression to your home and family ideals. By the Full Moon on December 12, unexpected appreciation nicely rounds off a big busy year.


Dec 22–Jan 20

With your guru planet Saturn in Capricorn, the pressures of life continue. Yet November 24 to 28 renews your spirit of exploration. The heart beckons as you view Evening Star Venus align with Crescent Moon in Capricorn on November 29. If your cautious nature takes charge, do remember that the day must still be seized. Once expansive Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 3, linking up with Shape-shifter Uranus from December 12 to 20, it’s time to shake off inner shackles! This year has been a fateful year with eclipses in your sign and your December 26 New Moon in Capricorn is a solar eclipse with a theme of freedom.


Jan 21–Feb 19

Often Aquarius knows much that others can’t grasp, but sometimes others simply gasp when Aquarius misses obvious emotional facts. Between November 5 and 15 emotional issues circle back, unearthing old disappointments that Aquarius best not miss! Empathetic listening is particularly important around mid-November’s Full Moon. Ignore this and December 8 to 14 could be most uncomfortable. That aside, business creativity shines bright around December 12’s Full Moon and changes in work teams, family or home are quietly helpful and timely over the next week. Once Venus enters Aquarius on December 20, it sweetens a busy demanding social time.


Feb 20–Mar 20

The Sun, Mercury and finally Mars travel through Scorpio in November; water sign strengths are effective and appreciated now. So, the creativity, compassion and receptivity of Pisces lead you well now. A Retro Mercury does mean that travel plans made in November need to be double checked. When your ruling planet Jupiter moves into an earth sign on December 3, you are on a roll. Beneficial changes are likely to occur with your friends or groups between December 12 and 19. This also augurs well for next year.  The Summer Solstice and December 23 to 31 crown your year with many sweet connections.


Mar 21–Apr 20

Chiron with its healing, questing mythos, has returned to Aries after 50 years and links with Venus and the Moon in early November, suggesting love as healing’s secret. Meanwhile, a final jolt of Saturn/Neptune energy colours the first three weeks of November. Even if life resembles a waking dream, stay true to your intuitive senses now for vocational clarity to emerge. All your life roles are in the spotlight. From November 23 to December 21 the Sagittarius solar cycle lifts your sprits and accelerates your energy. The natural time to spread your wings begins, once November 27’s fiery New Moon sparks your spirit of adventure.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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