
What’s your creativity style?

My childhood led me to believe I wasn’t creative. “Molly does the best she can” read the art teacher’s report. Only years later did I discover I had many creative talents, just not in the art department. You may identify with this story, since many people believe that to be creative you have to express yourself through the medium of the arts.

What is creativity? Why is it important and how do you recognise it? Often, it comes through in what you do naturally, easily and without effort and provides you with a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

What is creativity?

You express your creativity when you choose clothes for a special occasion, ingredients for a particular meal or when you make a decision, a new friend, make love or even mistakes. It is required to solve problems as well as to identify them. Creativity isn’t limited to major events such as when an artist paints an exceptional picture, a musician creates a unique piece of music or an author writes a top-selling book. It’s all around you; you just need to know how to recognise and enjoy it.

Astrologically, your Sun sign says much about your unique creativity, your natural talents and the type of activities best suited to you. The Sun gives you life; it is the centre of your being. When you honour the essence of your Sun sign you literally shine. Your energy is positive, you feel alive and uplifted. Life seems full and satisfying.

How often have you embarked on a project, hobby or an idea you love only to discover that time has somehow run away with you? This is a sign your creative juices are flowing. Other clues are intense emotion, excitement, fun and laughter. You feel nourished and your heart opens. Anything is possible and the sky is the limit!

Your health and vitality are also governed by the Sun. When you’re inspired, you have abundant energy and feel well and happy. Although much importance is placed on “happiness”, there’s often little encouragement to develop your creative right brain qualities. Instead of an emphasis on imagination, ingenuity, passion and alternative thinking, the academic, linear or left brain activities seem to be given priority. Original thinking is often not taught or encouraged in school or at home.

Career is a place where creativity comes to the fore. Have you ever found yourself feeling unfulfilled in a role and said to a friend, “I don’t like this job; I feel my creativity is being stifled”? A way out may be to start your own business where you can express your innovative ideas without feeling suppressed.

How often have you embarked on a project, hobby or an idea you love only to discover that time has somehow run away with you?

Perhaps you work in marketing, where your bright ideas are welcomed and you have an uncanny knack for picturing the final result and people’s reactions to it. However, when you have to assemble the outcome of your research and present the rational arguments to management, your enthusiasm wanes and you look for excuses not to do it. Your accounting buddy, on the other hand, loves working with statistics and creating simple ways to show the results. Each of you has different talents and gifts.


Children effortlessly tap into creativity, imagining, making things, playing and becoming totally absorbed in their world. How often have you seen a child chatting and laughing to herself as she converses with her fantasy friend or creates a colourful painting? As you become an adult, you seem to lose your natural creativity. To quote Pablo Picasso, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

Why should you create?

Why is creativity important? Just imagine if you could never be creative — the same job is done the same way for all your working life. Imagine there’s never anything new in activities, people, sounds, sights or experiences and all the rules, procedures and outcomes are carefully defined and laid out with nothing uniquely yours. You would truly become a cog in the great machine. If you identify with this feeling, you need to explore where your creativity is being stifled or how you might rekindle it.

You may hesitate to communicate your imaginative ideas for fear of rejection yet to express what’s inside so often helps you heal old wounds. Sarah, an indigenous lady, found self-expression through language difficult, so her friend suggested she paint her story. As she shared her journey through her artwork, she finally felt heard and understood and her soul healed. In fact, art therapy grew out of just such an experience and is now acknowledged as an alternative form of healing.

Getting creative

How can you recognise and develop your creative streak? One way would be to just “give it a go” and try different things. The adventurous fire signs — Aries, Leo and Sagittarius — may find this approach easier than the more cautious earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. However, by exploring creative ideas — for example, art, music, sport or writing — you will discover what lights you up and energises you.

Another way is to mindmap or brainstorm your thoughts on paper without censoring but rather letting them flow. You could try creating a vision board or collage with pictures and images that interest you. Books such as The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron may provide you with ideas.  Alternatively, investigating courses offered at your local colleges and schools can provide insights. Look for what resonates with you — for some it may be African drumming while for others it could be public speaking. When the excitement stirs and you don’t want to miss a class, you know you’re tapping into your creativity.

Examining the various jobs you have had can provide clues. What are the activities where you use your imagination and perhaps come up with brilliant thoughts or gained recognition for your innovation? Your childhood hobbies may also provide hints of your creativity. As a child, Liz always wanted to learn the piano. Finally, at 11 years old, her wish was granted. From that moment, she couldn’t stop playing and her parents never had to tell her to practice. She loved it!

One of the best clues to understanding your creativity is to examine the traits, gifts and characteristics of your own Sun sign. The following overview offers ideas.



Whatever creative activity you undertake, you need to be challenged. Your bright ideas flow and you can’t wait to take the lead and bring through your own style. Competition excites you and so any kind of adventure or sport will appeal — the more demanding the better. To develop your creative talents, you are required to take the initiative and be bold and brave. Jane joined the local choir; however, being an Aries, she was soon leading her section. Then she had an idea: a vision of her choir singing a main performance at a local theatre. She approached this challenge with zeal and made it become a reality. She’s now looking for the next challenge. The result has to be quick or boredom sets in and you move on.


Your sensual and self-reliant nature shows a natural appreciation of the arts and much creativity. Being a practical and patient person, you gain pleasure from a variety of pursuits, including making objects of beauty such as pottery, painting and interior decorating. Time spent preparing a sumptuous meal fulfils both your creative juices and your stomach. As many Tauruses possess a beautiful voice, music provides a natural outlet. Both listening to music and singing bring you great joy. Time spent in nature bushwalking or gardening uplifts your spirit and inspires you. Kate couldn’t wait to begin her massage course. She imagined how, through the power of touch, she would heal others. She pictured herself in her own beautiful studio, gently bringing relief to her clients and creating wonderful aromas with her oils.


A natural communicator and writer, your creativity is sparked by being with other people. Good conversation excites you and awakens new ideas. Your curious mind loves to mix and mingle with a variety of people who inspire you to think differently. Mental stimulation is a must and discussion groups, trivia nights and reading all spark your imagination. Your writing talents may be expressed through keeping a diary or you may be a budding author. A love of learning means you’re frequently found signing up for the latest course. Tracey really enjoyed her book club and investment groups — both provided a social outlet and interesting conversation. She met kindred spirits and enjoyed the discussions that would take place over the latest novel or share trade. She didn’t make any money, but that really wasn’t the point of the exercise. For Tracey, it was the networking and exchange of ideas that made her feel alive.



Much of your creativity is expressed through your home, since Cancerians are often happiest when surrounded by close friends and family. As a water sign, you are able to connect with others at a deep level and gain pleasure from providing nourishment and support. Feeling “at home” is paramount and you will do whatever is necessary to create an environment that is both comfortable and nurturing. Your relationship with children brings out your creativity as you look for different ways to help them develop and grow. Cooking and entertaining are avenues of self-expression and you may own a large collection of cookbooks. Jacqui loved nothing more than gathering her friends together for the annual Xmas party (now in its 20th year)! The trip to the fish and organic markets enhanced the experience as she assembled her latest culinary delights. And, of course, her guests eagerly anticipated the event each year.


Creativity abounds in Leos since your ruling planet is the Sun. You love a party and, as a born entertainer, your natural exuberance, love of life and colourful personality bring joy to others. Your desire to enjoy life to the full ignites your creativity and nourishes your heart and soul. Looking good is important and you gain great pleasure from co-ordinating clothing and jewellery. With a flair for interior decorating, your home is filled with beautiful and expensive items — only the best will do! A natural with children, who love your sense of fun, you will be found using your creative talents as a teacher. Drama, sports or artistic pursuits are where you shine. Helen loved the annual show at the local golf club. The preparation, the costumes and the hours spent rehearsing and laughing with her buddies were all part of the fun and the audience was enthralled and inspired by their talent.


Sometimes your desire for perfection can inhibit your flow of creativity. Your imagination is ignited when you improve the lives of others by helping to solve their problems. Possessing an analytical and detailed mind, you are frequently able to offer solutions and ways of overcoming issues. Mental stimulation such as researching and exchanging ideas with like-minded people sparks your creative impulse. Always busy, you can quickly become absorbed in your passion for hours. It may be gardening, making clothes or jewellery or working out the latest computer app. Claire wanted to develop her own range of organic skin products. She enjoyed researching ingredients and assembling and testing the end result. Her customers felt nurtured by her willingness to listen to their problems and provide solutions.



With your natural ability to bring Beauty and harmony into people’s lives, your creative expression may take artistic or literary forms. A sociable person, you love to give pleasure to others and share your talents with them. With an eye for colour, you enjoy nothing more than decorating your home, blending colours and fabrics to create a haven of peace for others in a stressful world. Communication is important and your friends know they can count on you to listen and guide them. Art works adorn your walls and beauty products abound in your bathroom. A day spent with a friend at the latest art gallery exhibition, followed by lunch at a favourite restaurant was Karen’s idea of the perfect day. Not only was her imagination stimulated, but she could also share her insights and ideas with her friend.


You never do anything half-heartedly and the same applies to your creative streak. Preferring to keep your ideas to yourself and often pursuing hobbies on your own, plunging into your pool of creativity occurs only when you have discovered a subject that inspires your deep commitment. With your penetrating mind and curiosity about people, you are attracted to research, especially to do with psychology, and may be drawn to help those in crises through organisations such as Lifeline. Being a fixed water sign, focused and challenging activities such as sailing, swimming, surfing and scuba diving can absorb you for hours on end. Tim was passionate about the environment and eager to protect the local bushland from coal seam gas. He spent hours researching how it worked, its impact on the environment and exploring ways to halt its progress where he lived.


Anything that expands your horizons and helps others to see the bigger picture will ignite your fire. Inspiration could come from travel, philosophy, learning or your desire to reach higher spiritual and intellectual levels. Your restless spirit knows no boundaries. With a natural gift for humour, your creative and fun ideas uplift others. An adventurer and explorer, your time may be spent in the bush, skiing down the slopes, climbing a rock face or simply playing tennis. Browsing through travel brochures and planning your next trip ignite your passion. Kim owned two horses and loved nothing more than hitching up the trailer and heading to the next gymkhana. There, she would engage with fellow enthusiasts and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of the event.


Having a desire to slowly build something of value means your creativity is frequently channelled through your work and career. However, your highly constructive and serious attitude can sometimes inhibit the flow of your imagination. Playing and having fun, although not easy, may be the way to loosen up your creative side. A love of the old and a desire to find a use for everything mean renovating and recycling inspire you. “What can I make out of this?” could well be your mantra. Sarah eagerly anticipated her upholstery class each week. The chair she worked on had belonged to her grandmother and she could feel her energy as she pursued her passion. Sarah imagined the hours of pleasure she would gain sitting in her grandmother’s chair.



Prone to sudden inspiration and ideas, your creative flashes may come as a “bolt from the blue”. Known as the genius of the zodiac, your insights are unconventional, innovative and original. Ideals and humanitarian causes inspire you as you seek to visualise new concepts and ways to enhance the world. You feed off other people’s ideas and are stimulated by time spent with those of similar mind. Technology appeals to you and social media offers the opportunity to connect and communicate with many different people. Freedom of self-expression is important, enabling you to come up with fresh ideas. Alice loved going away to attend astrology conferences. It provided the chance to connect with kindred spirits, exchange ideas and learn something new. It was so exciting and inspired her with fresh ways of working with her favourite interest.


The world of imagination is the home of Pisces. Your dreamy nature and ability to create illusion amplify your creativity. Often possessing artistic or musical talents, you have a heightened imagination and sensitive approach to creative activities. Deeply compassionate, your inspiration can be triggered by empathy for others. Being a water sign, you can become totally immersed in your latest dream or ideal and are attracted to the world of art, music and film. Nikki loved her work as a wedding photographer. It appealed to her romantic Piscean nature and she both gave and gained much pleasure from finding the ideal setting and creating perfect pictures for the happy couple.

As you come to understand the gifts, natural talents and type of activities best suited to your Sun sign, you gain greater access to the creativity you have been given. You will be able to focus on your one-of-a-kind creative passion as you recognise that what works for others may not necessarily work for you. Your unique creative flair, once uncovered, can provide you with endless hours of pleasure and happiness.

Tips for getting creative

  • Try new things.
  • Mind-map or brainstorm your interests.
  • Create a collage or vision board.
  • Take a course.
  • Read creative books.
  • Review career successes.
  • Remember childhood passions.


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