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Your stars for 2017

A new year just wouldn’t be the same without an astrological prediction to get excited about! Read on to discover what the planets have planned for you in 2017…


Self-expression usually comes easily to Aries but recent challenges have questioned your confident identity. The new year now reframes your world — again. This time, from late December 2016 through November 2017, prime roles change for the better, assisted by unusual collaborations. Three planets are seriously on your side, presenting you with the sweet challenge of how to best engage this potential. Self-discipline — Saturn style — is the key, while broadening your mental horizons is the doorway. A questing spirit grows February 6–28 and March 3–9. New Moon in Aries on March 28 moves you forward with a burst, but beware of power struggles from March 31 to April 9. In April, go behind the scenes to get informed, then May to mid-September can be exceptionally fulfilling. Do remain calm under pressure in late June, early July and the first week of August! A Full Moon in Aries on October 6 is your climax, helping you easily handle the challenges of October 9–15. November 9 to December 16 promises to be ultra-creative and a time to plan your adventures.


Both the Taurus taste for earthy pleasures and your capacity for caring service to others are highlighted in 2017. Mid-January confirms that like-minded people are important to your happiness, and February 10–24 expands your career path. With energy driver Mars in Taurus from March 10 to April 21, you power through challenges! However, your guiding planet Venus is in retro motion (moving backwards) from March 4 to April 15, so your spiritual wellbeing requires some short periods of solitude and retreat. April 26 is Taurus New Moon, recharging your goals with new vitality, and May 4–31 offers the best opportunity to bring your personal and professional life into a happy alignment. May, early August, September and November are the times when travel is likely to be most fulfilling — and October the most difficult. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 4 illuminates a particularly satisfying month, with the November 13 highlight of the “Fortunes” — Venus and Jupiter — conjoined in your partner sign. This paves the way for a year ahead in which fortunate partnership is a major theme.


Ever curious, Gemini finds a whole new realm of exploration and learning in 2017 — the realm of relationships. Previous challenges and uncertainty start to morph into optimistic engagement, plus a renewed interest in what drives your significant others. New partnerships emerge, old ones are revitalised and serious commitment is the key. January 30 to February 24 is especially endowed with loving creative energies: Travel and new business initiatives can be well planned now, for May or June. Both March and the last half of September have an unpredictable erratic energy that’s best navigated by slowing down, staying aware and identifying the upside in stressful events. Gemini New Moon on May 26 coincides with an action-oriented dynamic that inspires you to move forward with confidence and speed. Important projects benefit from unusual collaborations from mid-May to mid-August. Highly satisfying emotional outcomes from mid-October through November are fully assimilated by December 4’s Full Moon in Gemini. A peaceful December, which supports loving relationships, warms your heart and is the best preparation for a new year.


Though Cancer is the sign of home and hearth, 2017 is a year to be out and about. Unexpected new vocational roles pull against an expanded Home base or family demands. That tension is alleviated by a disciplined approach to health and work. Full Moon in Cancer on January 12 illuminates water-earth harmonies, offering transformative relationships and healing dynamics. You must gradually redefine the boundaries between home and work this year — perhaps stressfully in late March and July — with a richly satisfying period from May 4 to June 6 and helpful insights June 20–22. Cancer New Moon on June 24 profoundly energises you to challenge the status quo and to equalise relationship imbalances. Challenges of July 2, 5, 9–10 and 18 are worth engaging as a path to new balance. The positive effect of this is new awareness in August, plus your credibility and creativity benefit. Highly satisfying outcomes November 2–27 are assisted by six planets in water signs and the acceleration of a new Jupiter year, set to deepen your appreciation of love.


With February 11’s Full Moon in Leo a lunar eclipse, and the August Leo New Moon a solar eclipse, your 2017 is special. Ever-ready to fire up new creative projects and new adventures of the mind and body, planetary harmonies now bode well for your dreams. Jupiter adds gravity to this and your mental energy is the key to a successful year. Beware taking on too much, but do be broad-minded and respect teamwork. Travel, cross-cultural experience and study all offer surprises and higher awareness. The months of late February to late September are particularly potent in this regard and May, June and September are standout times. You may also renew connections that go back many years. Creative development moves fast from August to early December, and is a social flowering as well. That fateful New Moon in Leo — the total solar eclipse of August 22 — defines your future in two ways. The first is the chance to eclipse personal habits or attitudes that have been working against you, and the second is the opportunity for a radically new creative phase.


Earthy Virgo knowhow makes an exciting transition in 2017. During this time you can maintain stability by keeping home and family as your first responsibility, allowing structural shifts to unfold as they will. The financial expansion Jupiter promises can only be realised by honouring Saturn in this way. Business incentives propel you forward March 10–27, catalysed by Virgo Full Moon on March 13. It’s in May that community, family and common goals bring the greatest satisfaction. While early June can be testing, June 20 through July is healing and restorative. Two Mercury retrograde cycles suggest caution: April 10 to May 4 and August 13 to September 5. These are times to go slow, review and rethink. With Full Moon in your partner sign on September 6, you gain fulfilment by reconciling differences, a process that enriches love and understanding. A New Moon in Virgo on September 20 grounds your new direction in “can-do” problem-solving skills. September 25 to October 12 may frustrate some plans but, from October 25 through to early December, you are on a roll.


This is your Jupiter-in-Libra year, hyper-charged by Jupiter’s helpful collaboration with Uranus and Saturn: a time to pursue Libran ideals of a happy life, a renewed sense of balance and the exciting roles on offer. Problems that may have once fazed you now help you get creative. Credibility, charisma, communication and co-ordination skills make Saturn your lucky charm. Late December 2016 to early October 2017 opens your mind to new possibilities and activates enthusiasm and energy. Prime times are January 12, February 10–24, a potent Libra Full Moon on April 11 through to April 17 and May 4–20. In general, a serious focus gets results. August 10 to September 23 is special, with August a time to pull together like-minded people and September a month to finish outstanding projects. With Sun back in Libra, you negotiate your way through the challenges of early October. Then Libra New Moon on October 20 becomes a celebration. A successful and dynamic period from November 3 to December 10 emphasises material gains and caps off a vibrant year for you.


As a fixed water sign, you are very capable, bringing your penetrating insights to behind-the-scene and leadership roles. For you, 2017 is a year when both roles are required and material rewards follow. Now, the urge to change habitual ways of doing things means you may surprise yourself with just how experimental you become in February, May and November. February has a fortunate emphasis on changes within the home and family, yet March polarises dreams and hopes with tedious tasks. However, late April through May rewards your diligence with appreciation and sweet pleasures. A passionate Full Moon in Scorpio on May 11 is just one highlight of a month when collaboration and partnership are ripe for creative redesign. From New Moon on June 24, your wanderlust is stirred, but your plans may be shaken July 10–21 and mid-August. The entry of expansive Jupiter into Scorpio in October is the catalyst for an extra-exciting period from October 25 to November 18. Since November 18 is New Moon in Scorpio, this begins a special year that only occurs every 12 years and gains momentum on December 28.


Sagittarius loves to be light-hearted and free of constraints but you have been tested over the past 18 months. It’s 2017 that helps you reinstate the healing balance — the best of Saturn in Sagittarius is now available to you. Reforming areas that have become too rigid, self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others — and a renewed sense of enterprise and progress — all come easily. This shift begins in December 2016, reaching a satisfying and sociable resolution February 10–22, when old grievances fade away. Friendships and social responsibilities are your path of good fortune now, under the strong alliance of Saturn and Jupiter. If you avoid being controlled by old negative patterns or money fears in late March and early August, you will find that mid-April, May, June, early August, mid-October and November are the steps to renewed vitality and optimism. November 25–28 and December 6–10 sees you clarify your important plans for 2018. Be flexible, because New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18 coincides with an intuitive grasp of necessary changes that must be allowed to unfold.


Serious in your ambitions and caring in your responsibilities, the Goat must climb its mountains. Pluto in Capricorn means the inner journey is now your greatest challenge. In 2017 your vocational ambitions receive a helpful boost from Jupiter, and sudden opportunities focus on home and family. Your path to happiness is to balance personal and career concerns. January 19 and 28, March 18–24 and March 31 to April 4 could test this delicate balance, so choose peaceful communication over defensiveness. February supports financial security, while early March and mid-April help renew loving bonds. But it is May 4 to June 10 that offers the highest level of contentment. Guard your health by avoiding overload in mid-June, mid-August and late September. With Capricorn Full Moon of July 9, you identify your real allies, so both personal and professional partnerships move into a richer phase for the remainder of 2017. Reforms made in late August allowing better use of your resources are consolidated in November and ensure a truly fine celebration when Sun returns to Capricorn on December 22.


Aquarius, you are one of the signs that strongly benefit from the helpful links between Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn throughout 2017. Since Saturn rules your sign, working relationships with people who are likeminded or share your social ideals will be fortuitous. Teaching, learning and information-sharing roles are open to the serendipity factor and, the more flexible you are, the more creative the outcomes. When Sun and Moon conjoin at Aquarius New Moon on January 28, your year takes shape. But it is February 10–28 and May 12 to June 14 that ensure your success. With numerous air/fire harmonies all year, you will be a fast-moving dynamo and capable of high achievement. Aquarius Full Moon on August 8 is a lunar eclipse and this fateful event warns against over-extending yourself as there could easily be sudden changes in late September and October. Nonetheless, your taste for travel, adventure and learning expands, and October 28 to November 25 is especially beneficial for your career. This is the forerunner of a year to come, when vocational roles become more deeply satisfying.


Visionary Neptune in Pisces has been challenging for the past 18 months, in terms of work demands and an overload of vocational question-marks. Now that testing time is past and you can enjoy some of the fruits of your labour. Since sudden financial shifts and demands are part of the 2017 picture, insight into your authentic needs helps you identify priorities. Be cautious with investments — there is a high potential for gain but also likely disruption, in March and September. Pisces New Moon on February 27 is a solar eclipse, the last in a fateful cycle: certain issues that have distressed you reach a climax and can now fade away. Your judgements may be faulty March 4 to April 8, but in May and early June your natural intuition will be high. Following a creatively dynamic period from July 5 to August 12, partnerships need tactful attention through August and again September 25–30. Then your Pisces Full Moon on September 6 can be a celebration — as well as a presage of the emotionally exciting time from late October through to early December.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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