Nature love

How Venus can help you heal through love

The stories of Aphrodite are many, but the mystery story that first appeared in the writing of Apuleius in the 2nd century is worth repeating. This is the only Greek story about a female heroic journey and, of course, the one who sets it in motion is Venus/Aphrodite. This is the story of Psyche and Eros (called Cupid by the Romans). It carries much wisdom about loving and winning love. Psyche actually means soul and her mythic trials describe our soul journeys, regardless of gender. Her story is about the power of love via the path of the open, receptive heart.

Aphrodite orders her son Eros to get rid of a mortal maiden called Psyche, whose beauty rivals that of the goddess herself. Eros goes to do what Venus orders but is so taken by Psyche that he punctures himself with his own arrow and falls deeply in love. He hides her away in a magical palace where her every need is met. The catch is that he remains invisible, visiting her only in the dark, felt but not seen. Psyche eventually is curious enough to light a lamp. She sees his face but wounds him with hot oil. Outraged, Eros flees and the palace dissolves, leaving Psyche back in the field.

How often does the magical palace of romance dissolve when we light the lamp and look more clearly at our beloved? And the catch is that this is a necessary stage of the relationship process.

Venus and the earth signs

The heroic journey begins as Psyche seeks her lost love. Now she knows what she really wants and Venus steps back in to set the tasks: first, a mountain of mixed grains and beans and lentils must be sorted, each into its kind, within a day. When Psyche goes silent and despairs, the ants come to her rescue, sorting the huge pile into matched parcels by nightfall.

The ants symbolise our all-important instincts — Earth energy and its capacity for industrious co-operation. Working with a partner to achieve a common goal is not often seen as romantic, but it is part of building foundations that last. Earth tends towards inertia and by its inherent stability creates structures that stand the test of time. Crucial to Venus in the Earth signs is the practical dimension of building relationship. An Earth sign Venus learns early to be prepared. A can-do approach to life’s demands is Earth’s healing attitude to the tests of time.


Venus in Taurus is strongly sensual with a physical response to emotional vibrations. This is the earthy sign that Venus rules, so receptive senses, gentle touch and an appreciation of natural beauty are keys. Taurus makes things flourish, achieving large goals by steady determination, like ants moving objects so much larger than themselves. Yet the desire to suck up the experience and stay in the pleasure zone can make pleasure into slavery, love into an addiction. Yet sexual healing and healing the soul with love energy are bright colours on the earthy spectrum of Venus in Taurus.


Both Virgin and Mother, earthy Virgo is said to be a hard place for Venus. The Venus quest for pleasure is often placed in a queue behind obligations and lists and service. Beloved routines might be considered a rut by a lover as Venus in Virgo manages time but wounds romantic opportunities. Once time’s dues are paid, the healing strengths of this multi-tasking Venus are revealed. Deep sensuality, loving service and an uninhibited attitude to physical pleasure heal any sense of separation.


Wise beyond your years or wild at heart despite advanced years, Venus in Capricorn has self-preserving instincts. Yet that protective wall of cautious reserve can also wound intimacy and challenge trust if, as so often happens, your partner is a more spontaneous type. The healing strengths include the ability to find pleasure in a range of circumstances, to flow with the status quo rather than fight or serve it, to establish a real basis for love to flourish and to build security.

Venus and water signs

Now the Water element appears in the form of a river god, speaking through the water reeds, when Venus sets Psyche a terrifying task: she must gather some fleece from a flock of fierce golden rams who live in a grove near a wild rushing river. The reeds murmur: “Tempt not the dangerous flood, nor venture among the formidable rams on the other side, but when the noontide sun has lulled them to rest you will find the woolly gold sticking to the bushes and trunks of trees.” This clever advice works a treat, bringing success for Psyche, who gathers their wiry gold.

Psyche actually means soul and her mythic trials describe our soul journeys, regardless of gender.

In the same way, emotional empathy and strategic choices can navigate a path through the flood of feelings and burning desires that come with love. Thus, water’s sensibilities allow attraction to take the gentle path, to foster trust and understanding. This circumspect, flowing approach is part of water’s territory. Yet that same sensitivity can also become a trap. Venus in water signs can get washed away by overpowering torrents of emotion. Looking back can evoke old toxic feelings, feeding into current situations to give them more pathos.


This sign of the Moon feeds extra sensitivity into Venus. Cancer has a basic life urge for home and security. Wounding often starts with reminiscence or yearning for something lost. This effectively traps energy, holds in pressure, evokes stress hormones and floods the body system with toxic leftovers. Feeling states go straight to the gut. The golden fleece represents Fire — the courage and action so necessary to move on. Cancer healing is fecund, flowing life at its most naturally creative level, pure heart energy that is the milk of the mother goddess whose breasts are depicted as Cancer’s glyph.


For Venus in Scorpio, intensity is both a blessing and a curse. The old hurt that prompts us to walk into a field of wild rams — once again — or to hold raging indignation instead of letting it go. The Scorpio wound is passion gone wrong and it can exact a high price. Yet, for depth and penetrating insight, loyalty that withstands raging floods, go no further. Scorpio healing draws on this deepest reservoir of human feelings and inspires the alchemy of transformation, the phoenix rising from the ashes to embrace a new beginning.


Said to be “exalted” in Pisces, Venus really pours the milk of human kindness from this sign. Of course, taken to extremes, saving other people can become an endless story and even little disappointments can be cosmic-sized dramas. The real story about a lover is hard to get if boundaries slip! Yet the healing that can come with Venus in Pisces is through genuine compassion and empathy, intuitive vision plus calm acceptance. Conscious sacrifice and surrender to love sweeten this Venus path.

Venus and air signs

Now, for the final and most difficult task, Venus tells Psyche she must visit the Underworld and bring her back a jar filled with the divine beauty of the goddess. The Air element appears when Psyche climbs a tall tower to throw herself off — she is certain there is no other way to get to the land of the dead. The voice of the tower speaks and advises her not to throw her life away but to find the special entrance at a certain cave and also how to avoid the various dangers of the route, such as the three-headed dog. Thus, well-informed, she succeeds in her quest and returns to the world of the living, the precious jar in her hands.

Airy communication and intelligent co-operation are the balancing act for the unknown journey of linking two hearts and lives. For Venus in Air signs a logical approach is a safe approach. Having a map of uncharted emotional territory and a plan of action is important for building understanding. Yet those with Venus in Air can also use their rational abilities to talk themselves into jumping off emotional towers “on principle” or erecting a wall of cool logic to hide the heart needs.


In Gemini, Venus is at her expressive best and emotions are lively. Yet a flighty fear of commitment adds to the personal wounds of this Air sign, who loves lively company. Pulled between togetherness and freedom, this can lead to wounding acts, such as deception or erratic changes of mind. Conversely, Venus in Gemini can truly make peace with its own twin duality via a happy relationship with a lover as an understanding friend on the path of life. Setting the heart on one thing can heal the rift between the conflicting needs of the senses and the feelings.


Venus rules Libra and is strong because of this. Co-operation and harmony are clear goals, yet an overload of theories with a desire to take the lead in relationships can get Libra into trouble and, worse still, into conflict. It rebounds as personal wounds based on unrealistic expectations and wounding others via secret alliances. Yet Libra is the marriage sign, attracted to fair and balanced relationships like no other. Driven by social sensibilities and intellectual oomph, true partnership is the path of healing for this Venus sign.


A mountain of principles and stacks of social responsibility can wound intimacy for this Air sign. Fixed opinions about love are readily shared and usually illustrate the personal wounds. Wounding acts are typically to retreat behind a wall of coldness when dissatisfied and to shuffle the partner somewhere onto a long list of important commitments. Conversely, Aquarius healing is through universal love, attracted, not repelled, by differences of culture and worldview.

Venus and fire signs

How often does the magical palace of romance dissolve when we light the lamp and look more clearly at our beloved?

The feelings of the heart can be deeply irrational. Indeed, despite the strong warning advice not to open the jar of beauty, Psyche opens it! She hoped for just a little beauty boost and instead falls into a death-like swoon as its vapour is released. Eros, now recovered from his wounded pride, flies to her side … “gathering up the sleep from her body, he closed [the jar] again”. Leaving her to pass the beauty cream to Aphrodite, he flies off to plead with Zeus, king of the gods. The outcome is union. Psyche is given a cup of ambrosia and achieves immortality. She and Eros are bound together through all time.

When we pass the bounds of rationality and risk all for love, Fire energy rises, inspired by its own burning source of enthusiasm and passion. This higher order union is the dream of Fire signs with their wildly romantic leanings. This can be the sign most hard-pressed to adjust to the mundane realities of living together and the most inspired of romantics. Extroverted, imaginative expression and dramatic flair can be especially strong. Fire perpetuates life, encouraging diversity.

Aries Fire

Aries Fire is the other side of those passions that can do the most damage when gone to extremes. Warrior energy begins as raw spontaneous action, but can become bad timing, jumping in or out too quickly and wounding the trust and forgiveness relationship needs. Firing up about “faults” in the other, demanding clarity, this Venus drops the hot oil on the sleeping lover! Yet crystal-like clarity compensates. Aries courage is healing — engaging with challenges, recovering when egos clash, knowing the power of an open heart.

Leo Fire

Leo Fire is fixed and strongly expressive; the imaginative faculty features and a vision of romance plays a leading role. The role of Lover suits Leo, but what happens when romantic courtship turns into daily life? The role of a king or queen with loyal subjects resonates with the Lion, but toxic vapours of pride and complacency can wound domestic life. There is a powerful healing side to fiery passion, which burns away separation, but as Psyche’s story tells us, you have to see clearly as well. It is the humour and self-revealing play of Venus in Leo that can heal both body and mind.

Sagittarius Fire

Sagittarian Fire mutates like the rainbow. Passions come and go, playful provocation gets a response. Above all, Venus in Sagittarius relates, with grand friendly scope, attracted to adventure, butterfly-kissing life. It is this very flexibility and eager reaction to emotional stimuli that can wound you or wound others when impetuous gestures are misunderstood. Yet the healing power of a sincere and open heart matured by life’s mistakes is not afraid to begin the quest for love again. This is the gift of Venus in Sagittarius.

If you wish to know what star sign and what phase Venus was in at your birth email Include your birth data and Christine will happily provide this information for you.


Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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