Your September and October Horoscopes

Your September and October Horoscopes

Your September and October horoscopes have landed. See what the stars have in store for you.



Sept 2–10 with its sensitive Full Moon and Earth and Water harmonies helps Cancer put in place some kinder routines and healing checkpoints, to safeguard against later regrets: Spring Equinox on Sept 22–23 is one of the year’s balancing points, but for you it activates your family, vocational and partnership signs. The focus is a trio of Capricorn planets bringing an obsessive energy to your partner sign. This applies to either you or someone close being in danger of pushing themselves too hard. You find a greater sense of balance by Oct 12 and Oct 26–27 brings a fortunate illumination.


Renewed by the recent Leo cycle, you shine brightly now. Sept’s first 10 days are the best time to get financial tasks finished and your personal relationships will be blessed by Venus in Leo from Sept 6 to Oct 2. Yet there are inevitable obstacles to overcome, just as the Sun declines after its zenith. Thus, Sept 12 requires faith amid doubts and confusion; Sept 16–17 needs emotional restraint under unreasonable demands. From Sept 30 to Oct 9 hold firm to your loved ones. Then, Oct 23–30 opens a new chapter on family life.


Life has thrown some curveballs your way, but late Aug reconnects you with your vision. In Sept, your Virgo strengths of creating systems, bringing order to chaos and managing crises rise up to lead you. From Sept 2’s Full Moon in your partner sign to Sept 10, you are in your element. It is Sept 11–24, especially Virgo New Moon 16–17th, and Oct 9–19 that demand your management skills. Around you, systems crack, and you readily identify with solutions. You can remain the calm harbour for others in the storm, because your earthy strengths are supported as never before.


On Sept 10, Mars, which has been in your partner sign since July, turns Retro. This means Mars will continue to hold sway for the rest of the year and challenges you faced in Aug are likely to circle back in Oct. When Sun enters Libra on Sept 22 you enter a testing Libran cycle: New Moon in Libra on Oct 17 confirms that tolerating foibles and rashness of people around you is key. Family matters have great strength and importance now, so claim the role of the one who can see beyond crises and conflicts.


Intense Scorpio has been loosening up a little and finding more flow after years of Neptune harmonies. This attitude makes you a source of insight and healing for others. With your ruler Mars in your health sign until 2021, Sept and Oct are the months to focus on your own healing and revisit those practices that have slipped away. Since demands upon you could easily accelerate, self-care is critical. Sept 21–24 and 30, and Oct 8–11 and 15–19 all demand this awareness. Sun enters Scorpio on Oct 23 with Mercury Retro in Scorpio; inner illumination can be yours in late Oct.


Sometimes the Warrior and other times the Recluse, Sagittarius exemplifies Fire in its most mutable form. On Sept 10, Warrior planet Mars begins its long Retro cycle through your sign of love and creativity, and your extroverted and introverted sides will have to make an alliance: Revisiting creative projects will vie with the demands of people you love. Solving problems can exhaust and frustrate you, yet it is your remit from Sept 16 to Oct 11. A financial focus benefits from the earthy energies of Oct 12–13.


In Sept, no normal controls apply, and Capricorn is off to a good start by recognising this. Then your considerable talents find fertile ground and your hard-work motif pays off. This is particularly opportune around Sept 2–10 and from Sept 21–30. Mars is temporarily discombobulating your home zone and it is best to ride out the storm with a smile. Then, even if your faith wavers, Oct 2’s Full Moon will show you that you are appreciated. Oct 9 and 15 may test you again but ever so gradually you dive deeper, becoming the one other people want to be.


Don’t be frustrated, Aquarius, if progress you were making has seemed to slide backwards since July. You can smell the winds of change, but it will be late Dec before they arrive. Meanwhile, there is much to do. From Sept 6–26, communication planet Mercury assists you to apply in action what you have learnt about the people around you. This knowledge can help you to de-fuse any conflict on Sept 21 and 23–24. From Sept 30 to Full Moon on Oct 2, ambitions take a wider focus and a long-held vocational goal benefits from research you do between Oct 14–28.


Not always soft, Pisces occasionally speaks the hard truths. Sept 2 hosts Full Moon in Pisces opposite an articulate Virgo Sun, while Venus opposes the Capricorn gang. On Sept 13 Jupiter jolts you forward so you easily engage with others, achieving practical goals. Some of Sept’s challenges put you in front-line helper role. Do remember to balance your energy with rest. Place a higher value on action than on exhausting talk, if Venus dynamics prompt others to demand a lot of your time between Oct 3–28.


Sept and Oct are months to apply the skills of patient anticipation and strategy that two years of Saturn and Pluto challenges have been teaching you. On Sept 10 your ruler Mars, in Aries, begins a two-month Retro cycle. This would be less remarkable if Mars was not squaring off to a trio of Capricorn planets, but it is. Challenges that slipped past in Aug could reappear around Sept 23–24, 30 and Oct 9 or 17. Aries Full Moon on Oct 2 makes it personal, defining a time when a vigilant, patient and loving Aries may emerge.


A trio of outer planets supports Taurus through the challenges of Sept and Oct with Taureans emerging as change agents. Whether on a small or large scale, this role model shift suits your fixed nature, giving a genuine “spring clean” to old stuck routines and/or beliefs. You are one of the signs well placed to be a calm hub for others who are in a spin. From Oct 3–28, Venus tops up your creative juices, increasing your pleasure in daily life. This present Taurean strength is a golden panacea that helps you feel the beauty in all.


Being in your head and constantly using that omnidirectional Gemini brain is exhausting in Sept when endless Virgo details add to the load. Try trust; be supported by love, family and gratitude to avoid imploding around Sept 2’s Full Moon. The challenges of Sep 11–17 are best approached as a chance to complete small tasks, trusting that New Moon on 17th will also be a new start for you. Focus on being non-reactive Sept 23–24 and 30 and on Oct 9 so that creative ideas can increase your capacity to thrive within the inbuilt limits of time.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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