Discover the astrological profiles of three inventors whose discoveries changed the world: Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie and Ada Lovelace.
Explore the dynamic 45-year cycle between Saturn and Uranus to discover what structures need to be updated and radically reshaped in 2021 and beyond.
Learn a simple yet ancient way to identify astrological aspects in your chart and discover your planetary obstructions and cosmic supports.
From planetary power to herbal remedies, discover food and lifestyle tips to enhance your wellbeing according to your astrology.
Learn where to go deep and what in your life will need rebalancing during the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius in 2021.
Wondering what the stars have in store for you in the first months of 2021? Our resident astrologer, Christine Broadbent, has got you covered.
Learn about your Mars placement. Discover exercise tips and strategies for success and taking charge.
Evolutionary astrologist Daisy Clementine Douglas reveals my soul’s blueprint, how karma manifests and the importance of radical individuality in this lifetime.
2021 is the year of the yin metal ox, which highlights solutions and recovery. Discover how the ox will impact your sign and explore which compass directions need attention in 2021.
Establish your rising or ascendant sign, discover your helmsman planet, and identify a special gift you have to share.
Unearth the potentials of your eleventh house and what it has to say about friendships, community and crowd connections.
Discover how the cycles of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto might help you understand your personality and influence your life in 2021.
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