2011 is the year of the yin metal rabbit, which is likely to bring diplomacy, harmony and a family focus to the year ahead.
By following the mythical journey of Venus, we come to see how this wondrous planet influences our own love journey.
The cycles and rhythms of the moon mark the natural passage of time and change. Learn about the motions of the moon and become more attuned to when you are most likely to have clarity and when you should make changes.
Herbs have long been revered for their many medicinal healing properties. Discover how to use herbs according to the zodiac for optimum wellbeing.
Discover how the messages and symbols in your dreams can help you make sense of life and its transitions.
Learn where a planet’s energy sits in your palm and what it says about your personality.
It’s not just your Sun sign that describes your personality; the time of day when you were born also affects who you are. See how Sun sign qualities change depending on birth time.
Your Venus sign speaks worlds about your relationship needs and how you express love. Get to know your inner Venus and foster healthier relationships!
What are the ailments to which your star sign might be susceptible? And what are the best natural treatments for it? In the first of a three-part series, WellBeing examines the relationship between astrology and herbs.
Herbs have long been revered for their many medicinal healing properties. Discover how to use herbs according to the zodiac for optimum wellbeing.
The years between the ages of 35 and 50 represent the midlife. Becoming familiar with the outer planetary influences will help determine whether this time becomes a crisis or not.
Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.
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