Welcome The Winter Solstice With Your May To June Horoscope

Welcome the winter solstice with your May to June horoscope

Winter is coming and the mid-year solstice is fast-approaching. So what will this mean for you? Find out with your May-June horoscope.


When in mid-May Jupiter enters Pisces, your spirit of adventure and opportunity to act peak in interesting ways. Make the most of the next two months and miracles happen. New Moon on May 11 brings helpful impetus from friends and your social networks, with May 13, 17 and 31 to be especially illuminating. Lover Venus is now star of the evening and in Cancer from June 2–27. This means that June 4, 12, 13 and 21 are especially pleasurable, creative and inspiring. June 21’s Solstice is spiritually significant for “the birth of the young light” after our longest night as Sun enters Cancer.


From May 14 some pressures subside as Jupiter stops opposing Leo, slipping into Pisces for two plus months. It has been a mad busy ride since late December; creative pursuits and personal tasks may have been shelved. May 12–20 and May 29 to June 13 are richly creative, inspiring periods, yet June 14–20 is likely challenging. As the Sun’s own sign, solar cycles are emotionally significant for you. Sun reaches its most northerly point at June 21’s Winter Solstice, in-turning energy starts a natural rejuvenation and retreat time for Leo. Maximise achievement with the vital rush of June 27.


“A season for everything” is a Virgo maxim that works to balance the intense task orientation of your sign. Let this be reinforced if May begins with a whirlwind of restless energy. May 12’s New Moon is a perfect time to align yourself with that balance, since a meeting of your ruler Mercury and the karmic Moon’s Node could overburden you with responsibilities. Instead, clarify boundaries, claim your off-grid time and allow Mercury’s Retro cycle from May 30 to June 23 to wind back to prime responsibilities and energy recouping. June 23–27 reveals the wisdom of this, with a love-full Full Moon.


Once hurt, twice shy can make Libra pull back from relationship intimacy. With lots of action and shifts around finances in early May, this could dominate your thinking instead. Then Venus and Mercury energise your adventurous urges in helpful ways from May 9–30 again boosting your pleasure in relationships. Smell the freedom in the wind, when Sun too illuminates travel and adventures from May 21 to June 21. Now cautious Saturn influences your thoughts about love, while Sun/Saturn harmonies in early June can attract the right person to enhance adventures or your work satisfaction.


May 2021 is a perfect time to allow yourself to be carried by a tide that has been running since late April. May 10–17 brings your two rulers, Mars and Pluto, into harmony with Moon, Sun and Uranus, awakening an urge for new roles. Last January planted these seeds of change. This combination defeats corrosive doubts and is supported by instincts and intuition. Hold firmly to these on June 5, 6 and 15, when inner conflict means make no important decisions. From June 21–30 your elemental strengths are in charge and dreams begin to manifest.


A period of increased optimism and decisiveness supports you from mid-May. Jupiter expands your gratitude for home and family life. This is also a fateful month, with May 26 a Full Moon in Sagittarius, and total lunar eclipse well worth viewing. Likely to clarify old patterns you are ready to release, inward reflection is particularly valuable in late May and June. Relationships are a prime focus, looking back a source of wisdom. Deep as opposed to superficial needs can be engaged, with the potential for breakthrough insights between June 4–23. From June 27 a new wave of energy carries you forward.


If you run with it, May 2–13 will be rich in creative ideas and helpful support. Don’t let operational obsessions delay you, because May 22–29 could feed confusion and dull your edge. However, when Venus transits your partner sign in June, support and empathy are available again. This also opens emotional doors. Keep these doors open, even if June 6, 15 or 24 make you want to close down! The Full Moon on June 25 illuminates heartfelt longings. Address these, fears are overcome and in late June ideas flow. Now your earthy stability is fertilised by many Water planets.


2021 is an Aquarian year, beginning with the Jupiter-Saturn meeting. May 13–14 changes the theme: Saturn gets a creative boost and Jupiter shifts into Pisces for over two months. At its best, Aquarius is rich in intellectual strengths and spiritual depth. This deeper side is evoked around June 4, which can be a turning point somehow fusing mind and spirit. From June 10’s New Moon and eclipse in your love sign, your inner shifts attract receptive partners or friends, leading you back to old forgotten insights. Personal relationships and community collaborations take off from June 27.


May 12’s New Moon accents friendly busy days, just before your ruler Jupiter shifts into Pisces for a stay of two or more months. This shift is propitious and deserves both reflection and gratitude. It is a foretaste of a potent 2022, so long-term goals can be seeded now. Your heart’s compass can lead you in many directions, but May 13 and 31 could show you unchanging truths that guide you true. June 4–13 highlights home and family as your most nurturing place. Claim that support if June 14 to 15 or 24 threaten to shake your calm.


A playful spirit is intrinsic to Aries and brings out your best. Happily, planet Jupiter has been expanding this facet of your nature over the last three months, and now mid-May and June evoke a more inward focus. This will enrich your life and work but demands commitment. Comet Chiron in Aries links to a shamanic quest and Chiron receives help from practical Saturn and the fateful Moon’s Node at June 10’s New Moon and eclipse. This rare chance to identify and eclipse emotional crutches is a worthy challenge and June 11–27 adds fire in the belly as well as a caring community.


At last, things get easier for Taurus. May does start with a wake-up call, yet May 12–14 brings your New Moon and Jupiter to soften hard situations, changing the rules of the game. From June 2–4 Venus begins a sociable, family cycle, harmonising with lucky Jupiter. Now the flow of your life is stronger than obstacles or blocks. June 12–13 are evenings to see Moon and Venus align, while illuminating your path of ease. This includes constructive change. Hold back from overreactions on June 14–15; the Solstice of June 21–23 will lead you forward.


A special year gets more special in May and June. Social and relationship energies of Mercury and Venus sweeten life between May 4–29. Let May 13’s alignment of Moon and Venus in Gemini touch your heart, while looking west after sunset. May 13–20 is a time to manifest ideas through focused effort. Aided by Saturn harmonies, help comes. The May 26 lunar eclipse and June 10’s solar eclipse in Gemini mark a once-in-18-years opportunity: perfect timing to claim a “feels right” life direction with meaning and purpose. Old inspirations surface to aid you as energy rises late June.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See astrologyspot.com.au or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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