What's Next Your You In 2021 Let Your April Horoscope Guide You

What’s next for you in 2021? Let your April horoscope guide you

Now that we’re through the first few months of 2021, things seem to be settling into a comfortable routine. But what do the stars have in store for you in the coming months? Behold, your April horoscope.


Crabs seek a safe hidden spot on the seashore; Cancer needs a secure private space to recuperate after conquering the world. The ambition and tenacity of your sign is furthered by Pisces energy, most particularly New Moon in Pisces on March 13. Adventurous plans now soften the challenges of Pluto opposite your Sun sign. A Cancer Moon leads you through March 14–15, and missions to be accomplished emerge. March 20 to April 20 brings Sun and Lover Venus to energise your life roles, and you attract important recognition April 26–30.


As the Sun’s own sign, Fire, confidence and wit usually come easy. This is especially true from March 20 to April 20, when fiery energy leads the way. The Aries readiness to try new things assists your fixed nature and pushes you to embrace a new creative project or path in this solar month. Venus adds extra inspiration especially from April 2–11, a combination of Fire and Air elements that is a rare boost for self-expression. A potent New Moon on April 12 shows you the obstacles, but they disappear in your dust as you power ahead from April 14–19.


Virgo’s obsessiveness is often compensated by modesty and an annoying tendency to be right. Not surprisingly you are ruled by Mercury, mental magician. Mercury joins Sun, Neptune and Venus in a Pisces push between March 11–16, putting you on notice to chill, to dream more. The first 19 days of March will flow well if you take this tack, and also save you from over-obsessing on March 6–10. An illuminating “aha” moment on March 30 features the wisdom of this approach. Bonding with your clan, new friendships, enrich your feel-good factor between March 28 and April 24.


Consider March 2–5 as a prime time to maximise your persuasive potential and creative oomph. Relationships feature strongly from March 22 when Venus joins Sun in Aries. Full Moon in Libra on March 29 brings a climax of awareness and a wonderful time to look back over your last year to acknowledge successes and also what you are ready to release. This will lighten the mental load Librans so often carry and make you better able to actualise the opportune energies of March 31 to April 14. Serious fun and joy in serious pursuits rub shoulders then.


March 1–19 has a special energy for Scorpio, deepening your spiritual perceptions, opening creative wellsprings. This is strongest from March 11–14, and March 13’s New Moon is a kind of release valve. With likely changes in home and family this year, absorb the practical wisdom offered by Saturn’s harmonies from March 31 to April 11, helping you on April 25–26. Full Moon on April 27 falls in Scorpio, lighting up your aspirations and private concerns. Take a meditative stance and consider a simple release ceremony, preferably watching Full Moon rise.


March brings the midpoint of the Sagittarius total solar eclipse of December and your total lunar eclipse in June. It is old soul paths and habits almost prehistoric that the lunar South Node in Sagittarius stirs up. Best beware regressing into these on March 6, 10 or 24–26, when the Nodes square off to three planets. A golden confidence boost will arrive around March 28, when Mars and Node conjoin, energising your sense of direction, pointing the way. From March 31 to April 18, Fire/Air harmonies sweeten your path, adding huge doses of conviviality and movement.


With Saturn in Aquarius and things on the move, you easily express the goat’s determination and clever strategy. The planetary alignments of March 5, 11–13 to 16, give you the inner calm to seize the Pluto opportunities of March 17–19. With Pluto in Capricorn, transformation and deep levels of change are available, particularly now. Love of home and family take the lead from March 20 to April 20, but it is the Venus notes of March 26–31 that extend your heart. Saturn builds alliances from April 1–18, and you do too. Drop defensiveness to maximise this.


An “everything year” gets bigger when Mercury meets Jupiter in Aquarius March 3–5. Enterprises to promote, ideas to share, profiles to extend? Go for it now or wait for March 22–28 when bright of the Moon week boosts energy. March 29’s Full Moon illuminates adventure, and March 31 to April 18 is aspirational for the Water Bearer. Only work or travel which is inspiring, and brings out your best, is worthy now. These will be golden weeks, so avoid power struggles on April 12–16. Since April 25 reveals family stress, consider now a better work/family balance


In March, your symbol of the fish demonstrates the ancient association of fish with good luck and fertility. Your yearly starting point, Pisces New Moon, is on March 13. That’s when Moon and Sun conjoin the mystical magical combo of Venus and Neptune. This denotes a special week March 13–19 and also a memorable year to unfold. Be open to meaningful coincidences and unexpected solutions from mid-March to mid-April. High spots are March 22, March 30 to April 1, with April 2–6 and 11–14 great for business and creativity.


Giving, listening and feeling gratitude are the three supports that make March special for the ram. The inspiration of Venus entering Aries occurs on March 22, two days into your Aries cycle. You shine with a sense of purpose best expressed in action, not words. By Full Moon in Libra on March 29, you are full of ideas, which will ripen naturally. When Aries’ New Moon on April 12 is sweetened by Venus and Jupiter, then everything flows. Your ruler Mars adds just the right help to start expressing and extending those seed ideas in potent ways.


Friendships, learning experiences and confidence-boosting achievements are helpful aspects of March for Taurus. Your ruler Venus aligns with inspiring Neptune at March 13’s New Moon; you must trust your instincts. Your inner voice will draw you to push beyond normal limits between March 22 and April 11. The unlikely might turn out to be possible, once Venus enters Taurus on April 15 then joins up with Uranus on April 23. This auspicious awakening may seem “too hard” on April 26, but from April 27’s Full Moon to April 30 plans take shape.


The multi-talented twins are often torn between two options. Instead of exhausting yourself with overthinking, consider the story of mythic twins Castor and Pollux, constellation Gemini’s brightest stars. Their duality was symbiotic, so they were enabled to move between the worlds of the living and the dead. March 13’s New Moon opens vocational doors — you press ahead with tasks at hand. Good connections around March 29’s Full Moon, suggest you now rest and consolidate. The Fire/Air harmonies of April 2–18 will show you how to blend your twin talents.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See astrologyspot.com.au or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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