Let Your July & August Horoscope Guide You Through The Winter Months

Let your July & August horoscope guide you through the winter months

As we segue into the depth of winter and navigate the full moons and new solar cycles, let your August horoscope be your guide.


As we segue into early July, Sun in Cancer forms an alliance with awakener Uranus, which excites a change-orientation. Yet July 9—10 is not a time to rattle the status quo but to turn inwardly for the special kind of nourishment that can only happen when New Moon falls in its own sign of Cancer. Ego battles would defeat the potential of this time and, on July 12, intuitive wisdom sheds light on problems. July 15—20 is empowering while firm action brings you its best results from August 12—22.


Lover Venus is now in Leo and life has many sweet touches. You are being challenged by this Aquarius year and may feel pressured July 1—4 or 7—9. When Venus expands to include Moon and Mars on July 12—13, check out this gorgeous line-up right after sunset and recognise the creative idea that is ready to pop. Your mana builds up from July 23, boosted by a Full Moon and is strongest around July 31. Be patient with disruption from August 4—8’s New Moon in Leo since August 20—22 illuminates your new path.


Regular routines, rituals and concrete tasks plus the harvest they can bring all suit you well. These are supported by the fertile water/earth dance of July 5—6, 9—11 and 13—20. When relationship planet Venus transits Virgo from July 22 to August 15, healing routines can be effective. Venus helps health-supporting changes on August 3 in the midst of the challenges of August 2—10. Then Venus and crescent Moon align in Virgo on August 11, when an evening ritual will realign your energies. A contented rhythm re-emerges around August 20 leading towards a productive new Virgo cycle.


Holding a balance can be hard, and July 1, 4 and 7—9 could demonstrate this. Yet this solar cycle illuminates your vocation, while Venus builds alliances from July 11—13 that supports team building and networking. If you use extra caution on those earlier dates and keep a low profile on July 18 this can be a very productive month, with cooperative efforts rewarded. While August 2—7 may turn things on their head, August 8’s New Moon begins a lunar cycle that will gradually carry your goals forward. Venus returns to Libra on August 16 beginning an opportune two weeks.


The most intense of the water signs, you find it easier to relax in July. Challenges from an Aquarius year may briefly rear their head on July 1, 4, 7 and 9 so keep full attention on what really matters. Trusting others and acting upon clear insights restores your flow. Hunches are worth a second glance with July 10’s New Moon in Cancer, when a spiritual and knowledge-hungry urge demands attention. Assisted by Venus on July 13 and energised by July 23’s new solar cycle, your commitment to responsibilities carries you through challenges of August 2—7. Late August’s safe harbour recharges you.


The demands upon Sagittarius can often be polarising, and it is only when you reconcile these opposites that life flows smoothly. Mental flexibility is needed when the fixed challenges of 2021 recur on July 1, 6–9 and 28–30, and August 2, 4 and 7. Your strengths of a friendly heart and inclusiveness are natural protections. July 23’s new Leo cycle stirs creative fire in you, with July 31, August 1 and 16–23 most newsworthy. Two Full Moons on July 24 and August 22 illuminate the high potential of this time and the importance of family.


Since late June, life has been busy and, in early July, you can waste large amounts of energy if you take on too much. Beware of making financial decisions in the first week of either July or August when tensions could muddy the waters. Yet these months are decisive. After July 10’s New Moon, goals clarify and teamwork picks up pace between July 13—22. July 26 and August 2—7 could see old challenging issues surface, so your best timing for important events or moves is between August 12—27. Your organisational skills and perseverance serve you well and intimate relationships will benefit.


Two Full Moons in Aquarius begin and end the solar cycle of Leo, your partner sign. These mark significant realisation points for you in an Aquarius year. The first Full Moon of July 24 reignites your mid-July insights into the significant people in your life and into financial agreements. With Jupiter returning to Aquarius on July 28, then polarised by Mars on July 30, any incipient problem with someone close has become highly visible. An enterprising idea can show its shadow side now and adjustments that can be made are best done quickly. August 22’s Full Moon illuminates an easy path of reconciliation.


Mutable Pisces knows how to flow between alternative points of view; this will be useful in early July. Guard your peace and wellbeing by taking a neutral stance if there are conflicts around you. Your ability to magic unique solutions out of fraught situations is particularly useful as is Jupiter’s presence in Pisces until July 30. August 2—7 could drag back old conflicts and hard Neptune aspects on August 10 but stay well out of it. Earthy harmonies from August 20—27 offer the grounding you need to generate a greater ease that helps all.


While Aries may be quick to fire up, the child of Mars is also quick to move on. Yet July starts with a challenging polarity between Mars and Saturn and ends with Mars opposing Jupiter. A quick Aries shift to positive emotions can save you from self-sabotage on July 1—4 and help you bring an enterprising idea to fruition from July 24—31. Be mindful of control and don’t lock indignant words into text or email format. Mars then moves into cautious Virgo, and August 1, 3 and 22—27 are designed for easy success.


July settles you with a warm and comforting sense of security on the home front. If July 4, 7 or 9 seem to reverse your expectations, a quick return to healthy daily routines is the answer. Likely, late August will remedy things. Leo time starts and ends with Full Moons, so both July 24 and August 22’s Full Moons illuminate your career choices, forcing serious reflection. Since this solar cycle is all about family for Taurus, getting the balance right between home and work is important. The unpredictable currents of August 2—7 may create uncertainty but August 20—27 makes decisions clear and easy.


Your sense of humour can resolve tricky situations and put people at ease, also easing that Gemini restlessness and anxiety that can zap your energy. With the karmic North Node in Gemini this year, genuine and timely shifts are well supported. Since July 1—4 can provoke anxiety, try laughing at yourself. The Nodal harmonies of July 5, 13—18 and 31 can help you consolidate this technique, while fortunate Jupiter in your vocational sign is an excellent boost. The Leo period starting July 23 accents your creativity and August 22’s Full Moon highlights a satisfying week.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See astrologyspot.com.au or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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