What Will The Eclipses Of 2021 Mean For You

What will the eclipses of 2021 mean for you?

Learn where to go deep and what in your life will need rebalancing during the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius in 2021.

Few spectacles in nature compare to the spectacular cosmic event of an eclipse. The stories of eclipses reveal their powerful effect on human consciousness across history. Some cultures perceived them as an existential threat, especially to power, others as a cosmic coupling in which the Sun and Moon would generate new stars. To some, an eclipse was the playful chaos of a cosmic trickster. The sudden blockage of the light of the Sun or Moon, which were regarded as vital for life and harmony, was believed to interrupt the natural order.

Even today eclipses remain significant portents of change, catalysing insights and bringing to the surface underlying patterns and yearnings. Their transits are major crossroads moments that can dramatically alter the shape of your life.

The north and south nodes

Eclipses take place when a new or full moon occurs within 18 degrees of the north or south lunar node. These nodes are a pair of celestial points where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect. These invisible but significant points have been calculated for centuries due to their importance in predicting eclipses.

The nodes move mostly retrograde through the zodiac, in contrast to the typical forward motion of the planets, and always lie opposite to each other in the zodiac; they represent a tension of duality that contrasts with the usual pattern of things.

Gods, demons and immortality

In India, the nodes are considered as significant as the seven visible planets and are envisioned as the head and torso of a demon. The story goes that, desiring immortality, the feuding gods and demons made a pact to combine their power to churn the primordial ocean and extract the life-giving nectar, amrita, from its depths. When the amrita finally emerged, the gods and demons lined up to receive the elixir from the supreme god Vishnu, who appeared to them as a beautiful maiden, Mohini. She began dispensing the nectar of immortality, intending to serve it only to the gods.

A suspicious demon called Svarbhānu recognised the trick and slipped into the line of the gods between the Sun and the Moon. As he sipped the divine amrita from Mohini’s cup, the Sun and the Moon saw through his disguise and cried out, exposing him as a demon. The enraged Mohini decapitated the demon, but having already sipped the elixir of immortality, instead of dying, he became two new beings; his head, called Rahu (the North Node) and his tail, called Ketu (the South Node).

In vengeance for their act of revelation, Rahu and Ketu chased down the Sun and the Moon, devouring them. But with Rahu being only a head and Ketu being only a torso and tail, the ingestion, or devouring and blocking of the light, like at an eclipse, is temporary.

Churning changes

Like the gods and demons churning the ocean, the opposing nodes churn two opposed areas of your life during an 18-month period. The back and forth process represented by the lunar nodes and the activation points of the eclipses throughout this cycle spotlight opportunities to go deeper, rebalance your priorities, and weave threads of purpose back into the areas of your life that they highlight. The nodes can catalyse dramatic revelations and events and people that come “out of the blue”.

To gain a better understanding of how these periods affect your chart and life, let’s examine the interrelated but opposing functions of the lunar nodes.

The south node and the past

The south node, Ketu, is aligned with the past; your personal past, the stories of your ancestors, even past lives and inherited karmic debts. Ascetic and spiritual, Ketu symbolises liberation and separation. It is said to have “agni”, or fire — a sacrificial fire into which you might cast what you no longer like or want to be attached to. What is being shifted by the south node is deeply rooted. It draws your attention to search within in order to spiral back to the origins of whatever area of your life it is affecting, creating a profound internal shift.

The north node and your future

By contrast the north node, Rahu, is aligned with your future ambitions or goals and represents the personal stories you are writing. Being a head without a body, Rahu is insatiably hungry for material existence, pleasure and success. It increases whatever it touches, so represents opportunities for growth and new beginnings. It may also trigger obsessions. There is a go-getting quality to Rahu that draws your spirit outward, pushing you out of your comfort zone in order to attain your heart’s desires.

There is no separating the entwined actions of the nodes, though shifting emphasis from one side of the axis or the other is normal as you adjust to the radical energy the nodes trigger in your life. The nodes teach you that sometimes the path to balance includes going to extremes.

The lunar nodes entered Gemini and Sagittarius in May 2020 and will remain there throughout 2021. All the eclipses in 2021 take place in one of these two signs, with the exception of an eclipse in Taurus (a cross-sign eclipse happens when the nodes are close to changing signs).

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius are double-bodied and changeable, which will further emphasise the destabilising, dual nature of the eclipses this year. Major transitions are likely. An awareness of these fluctuating forces and an openness to new possibilities and sudden changes can unlock opportunities for cocreation amidst the chaos.

With Ketu in sage Sagittarius, your quest for truth turns inward. The unbridled optimism of Sagittarius will be tempered, as Ketu discourages the outward pursuit of goals. Attuned to inner seeking, a deeper alignment with inner vision and truth will be possible, if you are willing to honestly confront the beliefs held in the area of life activated. The past holds both gifts and restless ghosts. Ketu asks you to purge and release wherever it goes so you may be asked to prune and prioritise the vast visions and quests generated by Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius in 2019.

By contrast, Rahu in precocious Gemini compels you to zoom in on ideas, connections and data and to organise and articulate them in the here and now. Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling famously said, “The best way to have a great idea is to have a lot of ideas.” The challenge will be prioritising your efforts and honing mental agility and technique. The Gemini area of your life may experience influx of activity and new possibilities. Embracing uncertainty and flexibility can support multiple possibilities in this area. Be led by curiosity and embrace peer review.

The significance of the eclipse cycle in your life will depend on natal factors in your personal chart, as well as timing factors. In general, eclipses trigger a charged, erratic atmosphere. Unexpected opportunities present themselves, the past and future converge in sudden and surprising ways, significant people emerge in your life and divergent paths cross. There can be a sense of fate to these encounters. Synchronicities are heightened, so take notice of any unusual and repeating occurrences. As the late writer Ursula K Le Guin said, “Strange roads have strange guides.” Below is a more detailed view at the eclipses of 2021.

Lunar eclipse 5 Sagittarius | 26 May 2021, 9.13pm AEST

Ketu draws you back into the past to seek truth. If the Sagittarius area of your life had an attic, what would you find in there? You could uncover a forgotten thread of meaning that realigns you to your purpose. What are the stories you tell yourself about this part of your life? What parts of that are holding you back?

An honest conversation with yourself or even a trusted mentor can reveal what’s worth holding onto and what needs to be released. It could be emotionally tense and overwhelming, but with the ruler of this eclipse, Jupiter, well-placed in its own sign Pisces, faith in the process promises its own reward.

Imagine the possibilities when you clear out what no longer nourishes your beliefs or supports you on your journey. Cast it out with the tide and gifts, like divine amrita, may wash up on your shores. This eclipse links back to the solar eclipse in Sagittarius in mid-December 2020.

Solar Eclipse 19 Gemini | 10 Jun 2021, 8.52am AEST

With Mercury approaching a retrograde meeting with luminaries, the energy is dynamic and destabilising. Be prepared to change direction at any moment. The days and weeks following this eclipse may bring lightbulb moments. Here, where so many ideas, connections and growth has sprung, there is still potential for sudden developments and opportunities. The missing puzzle piece could be a chance meeting with a friend or teacher, or a new piece of information. Set aside some time to follow curiosity but be careful of red herrings. A trine to Saturn in Aquarius assists in reestablishing your priorities in the Gemini area of your chart as well as bringing clarity to your progress.

Lunar Eclipse 27 Taurus | 19 Nov 2021, 6.57pm AEST

This partial lunar eclipse in Taurus previews the next eclipse cycle, which will unfold in Taurus and Scorpio in 2022. It activates themes of rebellion and innovation of the long-term transit of Uranus in Taurus in your life (May 2018 — April 2026).

This eclipse may reveal your emotional attachments in the sensual and material realm. Fixed star Algol close-by triggers latent frustrations and injustices. A difficult conversation could bring withheld emotions and information to the surface with Sun, Mars and Mercury in Scorpio in opposition to the eclipse. With Jupiter in Aquarius at the apex of this charged eclipse axis, if in doubt, get clear on what you stand for, but try to keep an open mind.

Venus in Capricorn, the ruler of this eclipse, offers practical wisdom of experience. This could come in the form of an unexpected but well-deserved gift, like an heirloom or antique, or unexpected connection with a kindly but exacting elder. The events around this eclipse may relate back to the Taurus New Moon back in May.

Solar Eclipse 12 Sagittarius | 4 December 2021, 5.42pm AEST

The soul pulls inward at this eclipse. Its proximity to fixed star Antares can gift you with the courage needed to make necessary sacrifices in order to move forward in the Sagittarius area of your life, but not without looking back first. You may feel urged to return to the origins of your deeply held beliefs in this area of life, perhaps with a newfound clarity triggered by Mercury’s clarifying meeting with the Sun days earlier. An unexpected gift or message from the past may appear.

Saturn and the ruler of the eclipse, Jupiter in Aquarius can provide emotional detachment to help you see the bigger picture. As this is the final eclipse on this axis, it may trigger an ending or closure in this area of life. In the words of Mary Elizabeth Evans, “Your truth is waiting for you and you have every ability to be brave in your search for it.”

Eclipses and your sign in 2021

Eclipses bring sudden change and developments, so predicting their concrete manifestations in your life isn’t straightforward. However, you can expect a back and forth activation in the areas of life represented by the houses they fall in in your chart. If you have planets in the signs of the eclipses, Gemini or Sagittarius, or the signs angular to them, Virgo and Pisces, these are important pieces of your personal story for this eclipse cycle. Find your sign below for a preview of what life topics are activated by the eclipses in 2021.

Aries | The Roman poet Horace said, “They change their sky, but not their soul, those who rush across the sea.” You are learning to ground your philosophical and spiritual understandings in the everyday world. Overseas travel takes a backseat as multiple opportunities draw you closer to home, so expect a busier schedule. Communication becomes a huge focus. You may reassess your long-term commitments to higher education.

Taurus | Your exchanges with loved ones, business partners and the bank are highlighted. In the process of releasing debts (material, emotional and even karmic), you may find that what you’re owed comes back to you in unexpected ways. Confronting your fears and beliefs around money, power and mortality can unblock a path in both your psyche and resources. Multiple new streams of income are possible.

Gemini | As your priorities shift away from partnership, it’s time to reclaim your autonomy. Close relationships are put to the test as honesty and truth-telling bring needed clarity. This transit could be critical in destabilising unhealthy relationship patterns. Being open-minded and playful with your self-expression can stimulate a surprising rediscovery of your multifaceted identity.

Cancer | You’re called to solitude as you zoom in on the mysterious layers of your psyche, uncovering invisible roots of the concrete issues of daily life — in your day job, health or routines. Releasing beliefs around productivity can dislodge long-term bad habits. The spiritual and mundane become intertwined and spiritual practices can initiate deep shifts in both the body and psyche. You might not be able to explain it to anyone else, and that’s okay.

Leo | Your priorities shift from solo work to collaborative projects and social connections under this transit. As your social networks magnify your aspirations, what creative resources can you offer to your friendships and communities in exchange? Accept social invitations and show up in your friendships and communities. Storytelling can creatively and spiritually connect you to your inner truth and purpose.

Virgo | An insatiable desire to leave your mark on the world arises under this transit. Your public presence increases as you pursue your ambition, but beware of becoming addicted to achievement. Reconciling your relationship with home and family can dislodge inherited patterns. Honour the stories of your ancestors and recognise what’s made it possible for you to walk your own path.

Libra | There is a consuming hunger for knowledge, purpose and meaning, so embrace adventure and new perspectives. Get clear on several long-term goals with travel, spirituality and education. When you lose sight of the larger purpose, assess whether your everyday schedule and short-term goals support your big dreams.

Scorpio | What’s mine, what’s yours and what’s ours? Understanding your stories and beliefs around money can trigger major shifts that empower you financially. Be aware of increasing a financial or energetic debt this cycle, though powerful opportunities to combine your resources with others could surprise you. Don’t forget the power of articulating your fears. Be careful of a hole in your pocket.

Sagittarius | Now’s the time to show up in your important relationships. You may have fated meetings with multiple people that bring new possibilities and experimentation within relationships. Jumping in with both feet can be a valuable learning experience. Returning to your core beliefs about your identity can unlock new paths of inner knowing.

Capricorn | Shaking up your established routines may be daunting but you feel irresistibly compelled to imagine new possibilities for daily life. Invite in play, variety and movement. Consider new ways to support your health and wellness. Reassess the efficacy of your spiritual hygiene practices and remember the clarifying effects of a clean space and body.

Aquarius | Divine inspiration can strike as you explore multiple creative pursuits. Delight in play and pleasure under this transit. You might have to separate from the crowd to rediscover your own spark, but a sense of ease and clarity is possible when you get honest about your beliefs and attachments in groups and friendships.

Pisces | Embrace multiplicity within your inner landscape. Your efforts and attention are drawn away from career and public life in order to behold the new beginnings that are ready to emerge in your home and family life. Insight around your past achievements and big projects is possible by envisioning them as parts of the larger story of your life.

Scarlet Coote

Scarlet Coote

SCARLET COOTE is a young astrologer based in Sydney, Australia. She is deeply devoted to honouring the eternal relationship between human beings and the sky. Led by curiosity, Scarlet engages the world and self through astrology, both as an experience of and an investigative tool into mystery, magic and imagination. She draws on the lineage of teachers both near and far, pursuing study in psychological and Hellenistic astrology, as well as astrological magic, and is also inspired by stories, especially fantastical ones. Scarlet seeks to be a friendly guide to others seeking connection with themselves and the cosmos. Find her at scarletcoote.com or on Instagram @scarlet_astrology

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