Year of the rooster art watercolour

What does the year of the rooster mean for you?

The ding-you, or Yin Fire rooster year, started on February 3, 2017, at around 10.49pm using the Chinese solar calendar. The lunar calendar used for celebrations gives us the new year on January 28. When this occurs, the lunar new year prior to the solar new year, the general indication is for good luck and positivity for everyone.

The steady burn

The stem ding fire is like furnace fire: hot, burning slowly and giving heat without scorching. It can also be seen as a candle flame, giving light but little heat. The Chinese character for ding also means “maturity”, robust, T-shaped, insect sting, to ask or question, to stare or study and jingling. Ding people appear happy. Whether they truly are happy or not, they will always put on a brave face. The term “fake it until you make it” must have been coined by a ding day master. Beware, though, as ding folk usually have a sharp tongue and do not like to be crossed or made a fool of.

The rooster may sometimes come across as weak and gentle, but they have a tough metal core. “Determination, pride, confidence” would be the motto for roosters. The rooster is determined to succeed and will peck away at a problem or project until they find a solution.

Metal, relationships & academia

Having ding and the rooster together means shiny or useful metal. With the rooster’s confidence and yin fire giving it shape and form, there will be more competition in the music and entertainment industries, with more “next big things” coming along.

The pillar ding-you stands for academic achievement and is one of feng shui’s Peach Blossom signs. The former is good for students, researchers and institutions like universities. Peach Blossom indicates a greater focus on relationships, whether this is love and romance, friendships, business partnerships or online. How you interact with others will be under scrutiny in 2017. Expect more secrets (aka WikiLeaks) to be divulged with the rooster pecking away. Additionally, there is fire atop metal in 2017 so there could be problems with air and rail systems.

Intensity & optimism

There are two lifecycles for 2017: chang sheng and sai. Lifecycles show where the stem (ding) is in relation to the cycle of the branches (you), from birth to death. Ding has no “root” in the rooster’s hidden stems so its energy is gone.

Chang sheng brings a positive, optimistic outlook on life. Sai, on the other hand, looks deeply into things, analysing everything. With this level of intensity, people will either react by deciding that life is good and they will make the effort to help others. Or they will decide that life is too difficult but they will tend to share those negative feeling with everyone else.

2017 sign combinations

If you are new to Chinese astrology, you may not know that you have more than just the branch (animal sign) for when you were born. We don’t have room to cover the effects of 2017 on the “day masters” so if you want to explore further, visit and use the free Chinese astrology calculator. You can check your whole chart because you actually have four branches or animal signs, one each for the hour, day, month and year you were born.

The rooster and dragon together can form a metal “six harmony combination”. This brings dragons especially good luck during 2017.

The Rooster can combine with the snake or ox to form metal, which will tend to upset ding fire. If your chart likes metal, then it will be a lucky year for you, but if your chart likes to have fire, there will be problems.

The Rooster is determined to succeed and will peck away at a problem or project until they find a solution.

The strongest combination will occur if you have both the monkey and dog on your chart. These combine with the rooster to form directional metal. Depending on your day master, this could be an extremely lucky year, especially because metal represents the annual ding’s money and wealth.

The rooster clashes with the rabbit. If you were born in the year of the rabbit, then in general this clash indicates moving house, being relocated or changing jobs. This particular clash also indicates problems with relatives and peers. If you have the rabbit, then these relationships will be under scrutiny.

The rooster can be a “self-penalty” sign so if important decisions are to be made, a rooster person in a rooster year will tend to make the incorrect ones.

If you have any of the clashing or penalty signs on your Four Pillars chart, one way to smooth out the year is to “buy” karma points by giving to charity. According to one Buddhist date selection method, the best time to donate is the last day of the lunar cycle, which is just before the new moon.

From a very basic check of your year branch, let’s look at how the rooster year will affect you.

  • Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008). You will have money on your mind in 2017; everyone else can have the love and romance. With some effort, you can dramatically improve your financial situation.
  • Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009). Your focus will be hard work. You may more closely examine your marriage or partnership. 2017 represents the highest level for you for romance, but there may be a disparity with your libido. Some Oxen may split this year, while others will find that their spousal relationship deepens.
  • Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010). With sex, romance and hormones bubbling away in your subconscious, you may find yourself with a few extra kilos or in need of a wardrobe revamp. If you want to move ahead in business, focus more on how you present to others rather than on your over-the-top sex appeal.
  • Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011). Rabbits and the rooster clash and fight and, in addition to the problems created by living arrangements, there may be large unexpected expenses as well. As a rabbit, you may work extra hard in 2017, but results can be disappointing.
  • Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000). In 2017, the dragon combines with the rooster so you have extra luck. Your spouse and children will be the focus over and above work and money. Life can be smooth and enjoyable.
  • Snake (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001). The snake and rooster form a half three harmony combination, so luck is with you for most things apart from romance. You may find yourself running around to keep your love partner happy instead of working on what makes you happy. Travelling for work is well aspected, though.
  • Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002). The horse has plenty of helpers arriving in 2017. Like the rat, acquisition of property and wealth are foremost. Horses born in 1978 will have the best luck. Parents and siblings are poorly aspected for this year so try to avoid becoming embroiled in family arguments.
  • Sheep/Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003). Sheep people will tend to have a subdued year because of their affinity with the rabbit. Work and career will be on track, but there will be a feeling of disquiet. Making friends with pig people will help increase the fun factor for 2017.
  • Monkey (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004). Love, sex and romance are on the monkey’s mind after the lessons of 2016. You may have moved last year or still be contemplating a shift towards a new start. In general, health is getting better, but there may still be setbacks. Relying on family can be helpful, but developing a more positive mindset will have the greatest effect.
  • Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005). Roosters may come across as harsh and abrasive in the latter part of 2017 as part of the self-penalty. This will devolve as the year goes on but, from February to August, you may find yourself being asked to help out or provide support to others. Work, Travel and sexual relationships are all well aspected but be aware of giving too much of yourself.
  • Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006). Like the snake, dogs have subdued luck in 2017. Love and money will be the strongest focus, hopefully because of marriage and not due to divorce. With the rooster around, some married dogs may be involved in inappropriate liaisons. Since the Rooster represents a low ebb for dogs when it comes to legal matters, it’s best to think before acting.
  • Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007). Pigs are the life of the party in 2017 and will bring a ray of sunshine to many. There will likely be a lot of travel during the year, and probably a lot of running around. Avoid attending hospitals, cemeteries and funerals where possible, as you are especially sensitive and may find yourself feeling ill afterwards. Ceremonies like weddings are great to attend, though.

Feng shui for 2017

The following interpretations and recommendations are based on two schools of feng shui: San Yuan Flying Stars and San He.

San He is based around calculations between stems and branches (similar to Four Pillars astrology). The main way to use San He is to reduce the impact of any negative formations (in red), then to activate any positive formations that are available (in blue).

The good flying stars are 1 Water, 4 Wood, 6 Metal and 8 Earth. The best flying star is the 8 because we are in a Period 8 from 2004-2024. The difficult ones are 2 Earth, 3 Wood, 5 Earth and 7 Metal, with the worst being the 5. The annual flying stars are best used in conjunction with the natal flying star chart of your house.

Pigs are the life of the party in 2017 and will bring a ray of sunshine to many.

Even though you will get good results from following this advice, it is not a substitute for having a trained feng shui practitioner assess the energy of your house. At a minimum, your practitioner should know Ba Zi astrology and the Flying Star system. Check with the Association of Feng Shui Consultants for a qualified practitioner near you.

Luo pan & compass directions

The luo pan below has the annual formations from the Flying Star, San Yuan and San He schools of feng shui arranged for 2017 around the degrees of a compass. The Chinese representation of the compass is opposite to the Western; south is always shown at the top and north at the bottom.


The centre is earth element, and has the 1 Water star for 2017. In general this is a clash, however the 1 star is kan, or the middle son, and the 5 star is the emperor. Families with male children may find they act out of sorts during the year, especially during May and August. Since the 1 star is generally associated with career and wealth accumulation, it will bring a lot of competition, particularly among young men. For this, use metal close to the physical centre of the house. Six i-ching coins, which represent the father providing discipline and guidance, would be good; however, any metal ornament will be helpful.

The south is fire and boosts the 5 Earth Disaster star. It is unfortunate that the Wealth and Peach Blossoms stars are here as well, because the 5 will place a dampener on these areas. If your front door faces south, it is best to use a different entry in 2017. Use saltwater cures, like a jar with water, salt and either copper or brass mixed together, to drain the 5 star of its potency.

The southwest (SW) has 7 Metal, a star that is waning and becoming malevolent. In the lo shu, the SW is 2 Earth Qi which boosts the metal, so beware of thieves and backstabbers. This is one of four special sectors in 2017 where there is a “He Tu” fire combination between the 7 and 2 stars. Since both stars are negative, the overall influence of this combination is negative. The simple cure for this combination is to use water. Three small bottles spread equally across the SW will do.

Special note: If your kitchen lies within the SW or the oven door is pointed towards this direction, then be careful of safety, particularly fires, during February, May and July. Rather than using just plain water, drop eight small tumbled citrine crystals into each water bottle before putting them out.

The west has mixed qi for 2017, falling towards the negative side. The one good star (Yin Nobleman) does improve the clash between the yang wood 3 star and the yin metal of the west (siblings fighting). If your front door is right in the middle part of the west, then it would be best to use a different entry. Since Tai Sui the Year Breaker is here, you should also avoid any renovations or building work here. Keep the area as quiet as possible and add a small amount of fire into the decor, preferably just by using the colour red.

Use Metal close to the physical centre of the house. Six i-ching coins, which represent the father providing discipline and guidance, would be good.

The annual 2 star (Earth, the Mother) in the northwest (6 Metal, or Qian the Father) is interesting for romance and marriages in 2017. The two trigrams joined becomes Hexagram 11 — peace, a perfect union of yin and yang. When activated, this sector will be good for married men in particular, but will also be good for married women. Single ladies and gents could find themselves doing better in their career but, if you activate this combination while single, it becomes a sign of a nun or a monk. Use plenty of metal, especially in shapes that evoke a romantic response. This might include a sculpture of lovers entwined, a pair of mandarin ducks or even a metallic picture of the dragon (masculine) and phoenix (feminine), which are always present in Chinese weddings. Use metal representations of wealth and power here if you want to boost the positive career aspects.

The north is quite lucky in 2017, another of the He Tu sectors. The 1 Water/6 Metal combination is good for career but there is a chance of overdoing it if you try to work alone. This combination shows the father and middle son working together under the father’s guidance. This shows that, without authority, there could be a chance of legal trouble for young males, especially if their bedrooms are in the north. Everyone else who has a prominent north sector should gain good luck in business and communications, though. Use some Earth, such as crystals, as a cure.

The northeast (NE) has the 4 Wood star as well as the Scholar San He star. This is a fantastic area for students, business owners, designers and anyone looking to tap into their creative side to have an office or study. Keep the part of the NE marked San Sha 2 and Robbery Mountain quiet (keep windows and doors closed) and place a plant grown in water, such as “lucky” bamboo or a philodendron, there.

The east has the annual 8 Earth star and is Home to the Lo Shu 3 Wood star. This seems like a clash between elements but it is another of the He Tu combinations. Mountain (8) and Thunder (3) indicate gaining knowledge and self-wisdom through turmoil. It is a good combination for most people, though young children shouldn’t sleep in this area. Add the fire element to subdue Thunder and improve Mountain’s self-contemplation. Make sure to close off any direct path from the south to the house because the main San Sha (thieves) and Sui Po (year breaker) are here. Avoid any renovations or building work here as well because Sui Po will bring accidents.

The southeast has the annual 9 Fire visiting the 4 Yin Wood palace, the last of the special He Tu combinations. This is very good for women’s romance and can be activated by a water feature. If you are in a committed relationship, do not do this! Simply use fresh flowers as much as possible. This area is also very good for a study or creative studio.

Dean French

Dean French

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