Capricorn Horoscope 2022

Capricorn Horoscope 2022

Joy, happiness and children may take on a sudden yet welcome turn as the longer trend of Uranus in Taurus becomes triggered this year.


Personal growth, financial stability and domestic developments will be hot topics in 2022 as planets activate the southern part of your solar chart.

Eclipses will highlight the importance of embracing more of life’s simple pleasures and doing more of what you love. In the final quarter of the year, reprioritising your work commitments may prompt you to develop a new or existing skill.


One of the greatest assets in building wealth in 2022, is the belief you are worthy of it. Self-confidence combined with the ability to think outside of the box will help you to improve your financial position when Mercury visits Aquarius and your 2nd House of Money, twice.

January is ideal for setting goals and strategising a financial plan. Things may go awry or you may experience delays with cash once Mercury hits the brakes and begins a retrograde phase from 13 January to 5 February. As part of this cycle, Mercury will retrograde back into Capricorn. This may encourage you to think differently about money or reconsider your money mindset.

Money will be back on track or your cash flow may improve from February when Mercury re-enters Aquarius. March is the month to forge ahead with renewed financial goals as Venus and Mars join forces on 6 March. Mars visits Aquarius just once in every two years, so this is your cosmic green light to tackle any money concerns from negotiating a higher salary or terms of employment to finalising a deal regarding an investment, making a large purchase or implementing a new budget. With Venus onside, any agreements, deals or contracts will likely go smoothly and generally support your goals.

The big money news is the completion of Saturn’s three-year trend through Aquarius (winding up in March 2023), making this the final full calendar year to take money seriously. Saturn may demand a short-term pain for long-term-gain approach to cash. While you will be happy to spend on what is important to you, tightening the purse strings on frivolous spending can help you reach your long-term goals or pay off debt faster.

Home life

Bounty and blessings are on offer when Jupiter graces your 4th House of Home and Family for the first time in over a decade. Growth, progress and expansion are possible from 11 May to 28 October. This first portion of a long-running trend that continues into 2023 will give you the chance to improve or upgrade your living situation or expand your family life. Jupiter in Aries could offer the chance to spend more regular time with family and relatives. Adopting a pet or welcoming a new addition to your family are also likely.

Jupiter in Aries can bring fresh perspectives about what you really want from your domestic life. If your experiences haven’t been fulfilling, you’ll be motivated to take inspired action to turn a situation around. May 25 to 5 July is especially promising as Mars joins Jupiter, bringing a powerhouse of hope, enthusiasm and energy into your home life. Bold steps taken at this time can help improve family dynamics and create the kind of progress you’re ready for. May 29 sees Mars and Jupiter join forces, which could kickstart a new domestic project or inspire a renovation or relocation. Taking initiative and putting family first will be important here.

Supportive Venus will help you consider domestic dynamics and family relationships as she tours Aries from 3-29 May. With so much fast-paced activity in your home zone, the gentle guide of Venus can help you see other people’s perspective or encourage others to get on board with your own.


Mid-year is your peak period for love and partnerships, where you may see improvements in communication, connection and togetherness.

The Sun’s annual tour of Cancer and your 7th House of Partnerships and Marriage from 21 June to 23 July is the time to turn your attention to those who count. July 5–19 improves communication in partnerships, thanks to Mercury in Cancer. Jot down 17 July in your diary to discuss plans, logistics and your vision for the future as the Sun and Mercury make an auspicious pairing.

Venus brings sweetness and support that can make spending quality time with a loved one extra special between 18 July and 12 August. If you are single, attracting someone new could feel easier.

As planets move through Cancer, they’ll form a square angle to Jupiter in Aries. Turning your attention away from personal priorities and toward your loved ones could leave you feeling overstretched at times, but the warmth, happiness and nourishment it brings to love will make it worth it.

Career and life direction

It’s the 10th House that is most closely linked to topics of Career, Fame and Life Direction. As the crown of the solar horoscope, it gets the most attention. It’s the often-overlooked 6th House that highlights what you do on a daily basis that brings the long-term career developments to light.

In 2022, your 6th House is the most active as a rare Mars retrograde phase prompts you to reconsider the work you do behind the scenes, how you value your time, and what you may need to do or change to set you up for success down the track.

Your working life is set to get super-busy in June, July and August as Mars bursts into Gemini. As you push forward towards progress from 20 August, by 30 October delays may could and you’ll need to ponder questions about how your daily actions support your long-term career aspirations.

Until March 2023, you might opt to step down from certain obligations while you sharpen your skills in other areas. Mars’ extensive visit in busy Gemini may see you work hard behind the scenes on large-scale projects, develop your skill set, undergo an apprenticeship phase or take on work beneath your pay-grade to gain more professional experience. While it can seem that progress is slow, whatever choices you make during this period will be sure to pay off professionally once Mars is back on track in January 2023.

A unique dynamic to watch for, just after Mars enters Gemini, is a brief Mercury retrograde phase in your 10th House of Career. The period from 9-23 September could prompt a rethink of how your professional life works for you. A miscommunication, an error, a snafu or a missed opportunity could be the catalyst that leads to new choices you make work-wise for the rest of the year.

Happiness and children

Joy, happiness and children can take on a sudden yet welcome turn as the longer trend of Uranus in Taurus (since 2018) becomes triggered this year.

Possibility, potential and progress may arrive under a dynamic New Moon eclipse on 1 May. Bright beginnings are possible as your willingness to experiment and try new things becomes easier. You may discover what you used to love doesn’t hold the same level of interest anymore. The 5th House is about dating and romance, and as this eclipse falls within closer quarters of electrifying Uranus, sparks might fly in your love life. Someone new and exciting could arrive on the scene or, if you’re partnered, the chance to reignite the romance between you is possible.

Plans regarding children, grandchildren or young people in general may be full of surprising twists and turns. The more willingness you show in defying tradition and moving with the changing times, the more likely you’ll experience the fullness of life.

The arrival of Mars in Taurus from 5 July to 20 August will bring renewed confidence, helping you to prioritise pleasure, take a stand for what you want, and carve out more time for the things and the people you love. The exceptionally rare and energising trio of Mars, Uranus and the North Node coming together on 1 August may catapult you towards exciting and inconceivable developments regarding your happiness.

Adventure and discovery

Your 9th House of Travel, Discovery and Adventure is a little quiet as you focus your efforts on more personal matters in 2022.

If you do travel, allow extra room for delays in transit as miscommunication or other travel-related mishaps could occur when Mercury takes a brief retrograde through Virgo from 23 September to 2 October. This short backwards cycle is a part of the Mercury retrograde phase through Libra, highlighting work-related travel, teaching or study possibilities during this time.

Venus’ presence may help to smooth any snafus as she tours Virgo from 5-29 September. Under her supportive influence, any of Mercury’s mischief-causing antics may be little more than a minor blip on the radar. Her presence alongside Mercury, your personal travel planet, may even help to secure a luxury upgrade on 27 September.

Friends, networks and groups

Your friendships, communities and social networks may be in focus as the Full Moon eclipse on 16 May could see you thrust into the social spotlight.

Opportunities to raise your profile, rub shoulders with influential people or spend more time with your friends may arrive. Mars, the ruling planet of the eclipse, and your social scene, gets up close and personal with super-compassionate Neptune as the eclipse occurs. You might be moved to take action toward a charity organisation, a cause that moves you, or, you may position yourself as an inspiring leader within a group or community.

This eclipse may prompt you to take stock of your current connections as you get closer to the truth on what real friendship means to you. Your personal life is changing so much in 2022 that you may seek new alliances that reflect your evolvement or you may draw your true friends closer.

As the karmic South Node tours Scorpio, this purging and purifying influence will encourage you to develop more intimate and meaningful friendships. You could opt for few close core connections who respect your need for privacy, rather than affiliate yourself with casual acquaintances. This pruning process will help you to get honest about who you’re excited to be around and who you’re not. New friendships can form and old beaus may return to the fold under the New Moon eclipse on 8 November.

Personal growth and self–development

Your personal evolution, growth and development will be one of your top priorities as planets energise Capricorn and Pisces.

Reflections of your personal habits and attitudes continue as a part of Venus’ retrograde tour, which began in mid-December and continues until 28 January. This rare and deeply personal cycle can help you embrace the behaviours that promote the positive change you want in your life. As Venus visits Capricorn until early March, a new foundation of personal growth can be laid, setting up a new eight-year cycle.

Active Mars promotes the pursuit of a personal dream or goal as this once in every two-year cycle starts from 24 January to 6 March. During this time, embracing healthy selfishness will help you to rediscover your desires and forge ahead with a plan of attack. It may be a health and wellness goal, a personal challenge you’d like to tackle, or embracing a more bold or confident persona. Whatever motivates you, be sure to carve out the time you need to make it happen.

Another personal success cycle, thanks to Jupiter in Pisces, continues until 11 May and 28 October to 20 December. You might be inspired by learning about various types of self-help, self-healing and self-development in this period. Books, podcasts, short courses and journaling may help you to open up to the stirrings within your soul. As you get to know yourself better, you’ll pave the way for an avalanche of growth and expansion in many other facets of your life. Breakthroughs that lead to profound change and personal transformation are possible in May as Jupiter supports the long trend of Pluto in Capricorn (since 2008).

Time-out and spirituality

January will be your most reflective month as Mars continues through Sagittarius and your 12th House of Rest and Retreat. 2022 is an active and dynamic year for you. Taking the time to pause, reflect and recharge your batteries will be a good idea until 24 January.

Mars in your most private sector might mean being less available to others, either online or in real life. If certain obligations do demand your attention and focus, being alone and eliminating distractions can help you be more productive.

When it comes to your personal down time, you do have an adventurous spirit. Hiking, exploring or discovering new horizons are possible at this time. Avoid overdoing it. However, if these types of activities reset your soul and recharge your spirit, then carve out the time and space to do it.

If restlessness makes it hard to find quiet time, stilling the mind through practices like mediation or yoga may help you to find an all-encompassing way to fully relax. January 12 looks especially favourable to dive into a spiritual or mystical experience.

Birthdays and Planets

If your birthdate is listed below (not all will be), you have a special planet influencing you in 2022. Here’s what’s ahead and how to harness the planet’s power for your own growth.

If your birthday falls between 22-31 December, you’ll have bombastic Jupiter square your sun. This generally positive influence could stretch and expand you in all the right ways. You’re cosmically encouraged to grow your ideas around what is possible for you. Any conservative tendencies may be overcome by saying “yes” more often.

If your birthday falls between 2-10 January, a supportive sextile from Uranus will encourage you to embrace more authentic choices. While others may be shocked or surprised as you reveal the new and emerging you, any out-of-the-box developments will feel totally right for you. What once may have been chaotic, will now feel exciting and liberating.

If your birthday falls between 17-20 January, the intense energy of Pluto will pass over your sun. This deep and introspective phase could see you be less available to others as you explore the inner workings of your own being. As you shed former iterations of your identity, you’ll get closer to the truth of who you really are, and a new more powerful expression can be claimed.

Cassandra Tyndall

Cassandra Tyndall

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