muscle memory and training

Understanding Jupiter’s cycles

We hear a lot about Saturn, the planet of tests and challenges, but less is said of his planetary counterpart Jupiter. Jupiter has an expansive, lucky energy, which balances the challenging nature of Saturn. Through understanding Jupiter’s place in your horoscope you will be better able to connect with the positive energies and areas of opportunity in your life.

Jupiter is known as the “major benefic” or good and beneficial planet and is often referred to as the Santa Claus of the cosmos. He differs from Saturn in that Jupiter’s major thrust is to expand, while Saturn’s drive is to contract. Together Jupiter and Saturn are often referred to as the social planets as it is through their energy and experiences that you take your self into connection with the society or community around you.

Saturn represents the laws, rules, regulations and the terms and conditions of your place in society. Jupiter depicts your religious, spiritual or moral codes and his position in your birth chart describes how you receive and create opportunities. Jupiter’s energy is like that of a kindly, supportive teacher, gently nudging you into areas where you are destined for success and can easily experience growth.

Jupiter describes what you have to offer and how you can positively contribute to the world around you. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and likewise, his energy in your birth chart can’t be missed. Jupiter reflects your joy and consciously expressing your personal Jupiter qualities allows you to brighten your life and the lives of those around you.

Working with Jupiter, a little effort goes a long way. If you understand the essence of Jupiter in your chart, you’ll know the things you can do easily or the areas of life where a small amount of effort or energy will reap rewards. In his book Exploring Jupiter, astrologer Stephen Arroyo says: “In Jupiter we find the great ennobling influences — the broadmindedness, the ability to consider others, the universal consciousnesses that are a part of the entity’s unfoldment.”

It takes Jupiter just under 12 years to complete one circuit around the Sun.

Jupiter has rulership over the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces and people born under these signs have a strong sense of right and wrong. You will notice most Sagittarians and Pisceans live their lives according to a key set of beliefs that underpins all they do. Sagittarians have Jupiter combined with the element of fire and as such may more obviously champion Jupiter’s desire for justice, equality and truth in the world. But scratch the surface of a Piscean and you will find in their own inspired, creative, water-influenced way that many Pisceans are doing much the same (fire is extroverted; water is introverted). Jupiter is a hot and moist planet of the sanguine (air) temperament and as such describes the causes or issues that embolden you to act or preach about your beliefs.

Jupiter can be a strong energy in your birth chart even if you aren’t born under the Sun Signs of Sagittarius or Pisces. If you were born at the time of day when Jupiter was “angular”, meaning when Jupiter was either rising or setting, or at the time of day when Jupiter was directly overhead or immediately opposite the overhead point (and invisible on the opposite side of the world), then Jupiter’s energy and qualities will be dominant influences throughout your life. Your local astrologer will be able to confirm this or not for you or you can have a go at casting your chart free here.

Jupiter characteristics

    • Optimistic
    • Forward thinking
    • Visionary
    • Expansive
    • Generous
    • Exaggeration
    • Excessive
    • Philosophical
    • Adventurous
    • Justice
    • Moralistic
    • Passionate

Lucky transits

It takes Jupiter just under 12 years to complete one circuit around the Sun. No matter where Jupiter was in the Zodiac at the time of your birth, just prior to these birthdays — 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and 84 — Jupiter will be back in the sky at the same place he occupied when you were born. This is a “return” and brings a fresh charge of Jupiter-flavoured energy into your life. The Jupiter return, around the ages listed above, typically brings renewed enthusiasm and the desire to expand your life experience in some way. As part of your Jupiter return you may experience increased opportunities or the desire to travel, study, learn, teach, write, explore, have adventures or share your experiences.

Life can be full and busy through these years as you strive to take maximum advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Say yes to as much as you possibly can without over doing it. Physically, Jupiter rules the liver and thighs. Care needs to be taken not to overindulge through a Jupiter return, so make sure you reduce alcohol, sugar and fats. Hot water with fresh lemon juice or dandelion tea are excellent liver tonics for these times. Physical adventures or challenges like mountain trekking or marathon events can capture your heart now too.

In your element

Personally and professionally, an alliance with someone who either has Jupiter in the same element as you or in its compatible element are most fruitful. Since Jupiter shows the things to which you aspire, surrounding yourself with individuals who aspire to similar or complementary goals will create a positive environment for success for each of you. If you have Jupiter in a water sign, align yourself with those who either have Jupiter in a water or earth sign. If you have Jupiter in an air sign, align yourself with people who either have Jupiter in an air or fire sign.

Jupiter in Fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Jupiter in a fire sign offers gifts of confidence, charm and enthusiasm. These people are active in the world and often take a leadership role. They are the pioneers of the Zodiac, those who move into new territory first and light the way for others to follow. Healthy risk taking is to be encouraged and the search for new experiences dominates. Physical activity is important as fire is about action and energy. These signs are restless and always on the move as their enthusiasm for life means once they’ve achieved a certain goal they quickly move on to the next.

Jupiter in Air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

These are the true teachers of the Zodiac who are knowledgeable to a fault and delight in sharing or passing on what they know. Technically minded with an affinity for gadgetry and machinery, these individuals are masters of technology and the mental realm. Positive energy is created through the exploration of new ideas and concepts and these individuals thrive in environments where they have a lot of people contact. Working in partnership with others, in groups or teams of people is ideal as air is about communication and human interaction.

Jupiter in Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

This group has gifts of practicality and groundedness. They are individuals who are typically authentic and dependable. Solid, loyal and hardworking, financial success comes easily, though sometimes their optimism is dampened by the rub of reality or a melancholic attitude. Hard work leads to opportunity and connecting with the natural world has a restorative influence. Sensory experiences are particularly stimulating. These individuals benefit from regular body treatments and enjoy quality food that honours a back-to-basics health philosophy. Earth is about the real world and their practical and financial skills are second to none.

Jupiter in Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Offering gifts of love, healing and emotion, family ties and close relationships are everything to this group. They are compassionate, giving and caring with a sensitivity that seems psychic. Generous to a fault, nothing is too much for loved ones or family members. Expressing their healing, caring or soulful side is important to them. Showing sensitivity to others leads to opportunities. Personal intuition is strong and developing skills or rituals that support the exploration of their dreams and hunches is beneficial. Emotional boundaries may be an issue as water represents feelings.

It’s a sign

The true competitors are those with Jupiter in Aries. They rise to any challenge and their competitive spirit combined with high levels of self belief mean they achieve in shorter time frames than others. They are pioneers who value the pursuit of new experiences. You’ll find them promoting the importance of healthy competition. Yehudi Menuhin, Christian Dior, Burt Bacharach, Gary Kasporav, Maya Angelou, Shirley Temple.

Jupiter in Taurus individuals understand the power of the present. Their loyalty is impeccable and they value continuity, disliking change. Progress is measured and carefully planned to ensure the fullness of each and every experience. Regular time in the natural world is beneficial. They expand life though their steadfastness and appreciation of pleasure. You can find them promoting the importance of security. Tony Blair, Plácido Domingo, John Lennon, Henry Matisse, Dionne Warwick, Audrey Hepburn.

Those who have a true love of learning are those with Jupiter in Gemini. Every kind of information is valued and these individuals willingly share all they know with those who are interested. They understand the power of interpersonal contacts and are excellent networkers. You’ll find them promoting the importance of learning. Alexander Graham Bell, Barbara Walters, Betty Ford, Erica Jong, JK Rowling, Indira Ghandi.

The family unit and relationships with relatives are paramount for those with Jupiter in Cancer. They crave emotional connection and create clans throughout life with different groups of people. They are caring, protective and generous towards loved ones. You’ll find them promoting the importance of taking care of others. Annie Lennox, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Rupert Murdoch, Paul McCartney.

The strong self belief of those with Jupiter in Leo helps them take centre stage in their chosen field. You’ll find them in the spotlight promoting their cause with passion and charm. These are the actors, the artists and the performers. They are excellent leaders as their warm-hearted approach inspires others. You’ll find them promoting the importance of a playful life. Whoopi Goldberg, Omar Sharif, Johnny Cash, Julio Iglesias, George Lucas.

Jupiter has rulership over the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces and people born under these signs have a strong sense of right and wrong.

Health, wellbeing and efficiency are the hallmarks of those with Jupiter in Virgo. They are fussy about details knowing the little things matter. Regular routines and consistency are highly valued. They understand the value of order, systems and spreadsheets. You’ll find them promoting health and healthy living. Amelia Earhart, Martina Navratilova, Steffi Graf, Venus Williams, Nina Simone.

Those with Jupiter in Libra are the peacekeepers, negotiators and diplomats. They value the place of the arts in society. Great public speakers and debaters, they make excellent lawyers and excel in any role where either the pursuit of justice and equality or balance and beauty is paramount. You can find them promoting the importance of equality. Giorgio Armani, Brigitte Bardot, Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, Mozart.

I think of Jupiter in Scorpio individuals as the magicians. They possess immense personal and psychic power as well as an innate understanding of the uses and influence of money. The more understanding they develop around spiritual and energetic forces the more powerful they become. Their ways may be mysterious but they succeed. You can find them promoting the importance of power. Aaron Spelling, Steven Spielberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Camilla Parker Bowles, Stephen King.

Natural teachers and preachers, those born with Jupiter in Sagittarius are optimistic and forward thinking. As this is one of Jupiter’s home signs, he is stronger and purer here. These are the philosophers of the Zodiac who not only seek the meaning of life, but do something about sharing their experiences with as many people as possible. They can be found in public speaking, PR or media roles, often expressing their larger-than-life persona. You can find them promoting the importance of faith. Marlon Brando, Wilt Chamberlain, Hillary Clinton, Prince Charles, Al Gore.

Being cautious and conservative are hallmarks of the Jupiter in Capricorn group. Here the exuberance of Jupiter is grounded in the most ambitious, hardworking sign. Safety comes first. They have an innate understanding of business structures. They also have intuitive access to ancient wisdom, as well as an abiding respect for traditions and cultural rules and rituals. You can find them promoting the importance of having goals. Oscar Wilde, Walt Disney, Wayne Gretzky, Michael Chang, Margaret Thatcher.

The title of misfit or rebel goes to those with Jupiter in Aquarius. They are unique and always doing something different. Their beliefs are alternative and unconventional and they chase big, utopian ideals. Their generosity is expressed through their social or community works. You can find them promoting the importance of individuality. Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie, Cybill Shepherd, Dennis Rodman, Steve Irwin, Ted Turner.

Jupiter in Pisces is also at home and very strong too. These people possess an incredible spiritual selflessness and compassion that underlies everything they do. Boundaries may be an issue as they strive to help or heal all those they encounter. They benefit most from an intuitive, inspired way of life and enjoy creative and spiritual pursuits. You can find them promoting the importance of compassion. Phil Collins, Orson Welles, Germaine Greer, Jodie Foster, Edith Piaf, Billie Holiday.

Jupiter through the signs

Sign Dates Element
Aries 22 April 1951 — 28 April 1952, 5 April 1963 — 12 April 1964, 19 March 1975 — 26 March 1976 Fire
Taurus 29 April 1952 — 9 May 1953, 13 April 1964 — 22 April 1965, 27 March 1976 — 23 August 1976, 17 October 1976 — 3 April 1977 Earth
Gemini 10 May 1953 — 24 May 1954, 23 April 1965 — 21 September 1965, 18 November 1965 — 5 May 1966, 24 August 1976 — 16 October 1976, 4 April 1977 — 20 August 1977, 31 December 1977 — 12 April 1978 Air
Cancer 25 May 1954 — 13 June 1955, 22 September 1965 — 17 November 1965, 6 May 1966 — 27 September 1966, 17 January 1967 — 23 May 1967, 21 August 1977 — 30 December 1977, 13 April 1978 — 5 September 1978, 1 March 1979 — 20 April 1979 Water
Leo 14 June 1955 — 17 November 1955, 19 January 1956 — 7 July 1956, 28 September 1966 — 16 January 1967, 24 May 1967 — 19 October 1967, 28 February 1967 — 15 June 1968, 6 September 1978 — 28 February 1979, 21 April 1979 — 29 September 1979 Fire
Virgo 18 November 1955 — 18 January 1956, 8 July 1956 — 13 December 1956, 20 February 1956 — 7 August 1957, 20 October 1967 — 27 February 1968, 16 June 1968 — 15 November 1968, 31 March 1969 — 15 July 1969, 30 September 1979 — 27 October 1980 Earth
Libra 14 December 1956 — 19 February 1957, 8 August 1957 — 13 January 1958, 21 March 1958 — 7 September 1958, 16 November 1968 — 30 March 1969, 16 July 1969 — 16 December 1969, 1 May 1970 — 15 August 1970, 28 October 1980 — 27 November 1981 Air
Scorpio 14 January 1958 — 20 March 1958, 8 September 1958 — 10 February 1959, 25 April 1959 — 5 October 1959, 17 December 1969 — 30 April 1970, 16 August 1970 — 14 January 1971, 6 June 1971 — 11 September 1971, 28 November 1981 — 26 December 1982 Water
Sagittarius 25 Oct 1947 — 15 Nov 1948, 11 February 1959 — 24 April 1959, 6 October 1959 — 1 March 1960, 11 June 1960 — 26 October 1960, 15 January 1971 — 5 June 1971, 12 September 1971 — 6 February 1972, 25 July 1972 — 25 September 1972, 27 December 1982 — 19 January 1984 Fire
Capricorn 16 Nov 1948 — 12 April 1949, 28 June 1949 — 30 Nov 1949, 2 March 1960 — 10 June 1960, 27 October 1960 — 15 March 1961, 13 August 1961 — 4 November 1961, 7 February 1972 — 24 July 1972, 26 September 1972 — 23 February 1973, 20 January 1984 — 6 February 1985 Earth
Aquarius 13 April 1949 — 27 June 1949, 1 December 1949 — 15 April 1950, 16 September 1950 — 1 December 1950, 16 March 1961 — 12 August 1961, 5 November 1961 — 25 March 1962, 24 February 1973 — 8 March 1974 Air
Pisces 16 April 1950 — 15 September 1950, 2 December 1950 — 21 April 1951, 26 March 1962 — 4 April 1963, 9 March 1974 — 18 March 1975 Water


Kelly Surtees

Kelly Surtees

With more than 14 years in private practice, Kelly Surtees is experienced, warm and insightful. She loves exploring astrology’s history as well as escaping into the ocean. Kelly’s passion for astrology is infectious, and her specialty areas include career and life direction, health and fertility, love, health and happiness. Kelly is an expat Aussie who lives in Canada most of the year.

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