
Stars for 2010

Aries Mar 20–Apr 19

Always one to enjoy a wild ride, 2010 will to be to your taste — memorable and fast moving with some surprising rare events. Everything picks up speed in June, but the year itself has a slower start with Mars retro in your love sign until March 10. If you sidestep trouble January 27–30, March 9–12, 18–22 and 26, difficult people can become loving friends. All things connecting and creative get extra active from March 10 to June 6. Shining is your keyword with March 30’s Full Moon climax focused on relationships. April 14’s New Moon in Aries is a fresh start, expanding your outlook into May. June is the pivotal month when your love of life takes another leap and creativity juices up. That’s when Jupiter’s generous embrace meets Uranus in Aries — for three months urgency for change expands. In June, July and August, you get a taste of things to come: Uranus will be back to reinvent Aries for seven years after March 2011 and Jupiter returns January to June, 2011. These memorable months suggest inspiration of a high order, ideas bubbling up, unexpected revelations and, for some, a major breakthrough. Also accelerating action are two Aries Full Moons: September 23 and October 23 — this unusual beginning to spring is when your buds burst. After this powerful turning point, you digest and assimilate change. Then October 29 brings two months of Mars in sunny, adventurous mode. Relationships benefit from the humour and tolerance this brings to your fiery temperament. With December 6 New Moon, a happy blend of ambition and adventure lead you through the remainder of your year.

Taurus Apr 20–May 20

Ruled by Venus, life’s pleasures entice you, yet your definition of pleasure is twisting and turning to embrace deep changes. Travel with a close friend or lover would make January just right and help foster rich insights into the state of your life. You are more open to change than you have been for a long time and February 4 to 28 gives you the template. Make sure excessively high ideals don’t make you expect too much of others — disappointment saps confidence. After February 11, Venus is in sensitive mode and fortunate connections are made, which strengthen in March and produce strong results after Venus returns to Taurus on April 1. Shared projects and fulfilling group activities emerge — your star rises renewed and your feeling needs are met. Watch out for Venus, back as Evening Star, aligning in the west with the crescent Moon on April 17. A chance to release an old, tired issue may occur April 27–29. Early May is sublime, but consider sidestepping conflict on May 5 and 17 when words are useless. A retro communication cycle from April 18 to May 12 means look back to learn. Then Taurus New Moon on May 14 starts a powerful and transformative lunar year. By Full Moon in Taurus on November 22, you are much closer to heart-felt needs. This is helped along by the retro cycle of Venus from October 8 to November 18, which reconnects you and the intense passions of October 23 to November 7. A theme of marriage, partnership or extended public roles is seeded mid-July and reaches its best action phases September 12–22 and November 30 to December 10.

Gemini May 21–Jun 20

At last, a year to build toward your bliss. For two years, you have been hammered by Saturn’s reality calls about maintaining home and security, while intoxicated by the change dreams of Uranus re business, career and true vocation. This push/pull is almost over but must be addressed one more time in late-April. With Saturn’s move into your love zone, serious commitments are in order. In June, July and August, Uranus shifts as well and wild changes in your friendship circles and unusual projects with great potential appear. Let’s look at the fine print: January begins with a retrospective of your financial position, while late-January frees things up and begins a fortunate vocational year, courtesy of Jupiter. Mars adds dramatic effect to your communication for the first five months of 2010, which can help negotiations. Mid-February brings insights, a chance to display your talents, while March 7–21 and March 30 to April 24 are the most powerfully expressive times. From April 18 to May 12, let the quiet twin ask the deep questions, when Mercury is retro. Lover Venus cruises Gemini from April 25 to May 19, adding extra magnetism and charm and lovely companions. New Moon in Gemini makes June 10–15 a time of unexpected opportunity. This starts an empowering cycle, which enhances loving relationships and professional shine, peaking at Full Moon in Gemini on December 21. The high points are July 10–23, September 3–20, October 18–23, November 15–19 and December 6–18. Watch your words December 19–21.

Cancer Jun 21–Jul 22

Lusciously loving or lurking in your shell, you flow with feelings and these are transformed in 2010. Pluto pulls your attention to deep matters, via relationships, while Jupiter prompts you to travel and explore new ideas. New Year hosts a Full Moon in Cancer, illuminating your path and eclipsing old attachments — you are open to be redesigned. There could be both overpowering passion and power struggles ahead. The struggles will be avoided if you retain emotional detachment on January 1 and 26, February 2, March 9–12 and 22–26, plus June 26–27. These times may all press your buttons, but forewarned is forearmed. It’s Jupiter under your wing that offers love and creative fulfilment on an unexpected scale in 2010 and, when it links with the change planet from early June to late-September, the most unusual developments occur. By New Moon in Cancer on July 12, there will be no doubting the gifts of 2010. This total eclipse of the Sun begins a fated period that peaks January 2011. Saturn adds extra seriousness by taking up residence in your home zone from January to mid-April, then again July 22 through 2011. This suggests some big commitments such as building, renovating or starting a family. December is all about partnership: nothing is insignificant in a year like this, so falling back into old ways of hiding is ill-advised. Happily, spiritual wisdom is available when Moon’s South Node is in Cancer and it sheds light to disperse old complex emotions that could slow your progress.

Leo Jul 23–Aug 22

You brim with creative ideas — 2010 helps you maximise these gifts the gradual way. Leo eases into 2010, with Mars in retro slow mode. It’s time to build on the insights developed last year. Now spiritual vision and healing come via the right relationship. Since Leo Full Moon of January 30 has the extra punch of Mars mania, hints are not subtle. New Moon on February 14 inspires partnering priorities. This immediately has good returns. Early March waves the flag — mighty Mars goes direct and the second decade of the 21st century starts to feel like a new decade. With Venus around, you can also expect sweet attentions to come your way in March and career goals to be furthered in April. Yet your ability to adapt is again tested on April 3 and 5, while your entertainment value rises when you see the cosmic joke April 25–27. Do protect your finances then as reversals can occur. Likewise, May 5, 17 and 20. When radiant Venus enters Leo on June 14, your hard efforts or good timing pay strong dividends. Exercise some caution July 25–31, when Full Moon, followed by a Mars/Uranus struggle, could tempt you to sign a contract or make a promise you will later regret. August builds your credibility, with serious Saturn links to Venus at Leo New Moon on August 10. Reputation is built by small steps and patient anticipation despite obstacles that may occur August 3–4, 7–10 and 17–21. September 12–23, finances free up after delays and strong family bonding occur from October 21 through December. November 22’s Full Moon lights up your career path and you shine on.

Virgo Aug 23–Sep 23

Recent years have forced you to embrace emotional flexibility and in 2010 it becomes your strength and good fortune. Earthy and “mutable”, you easily accommodate life’s demands and solve problems. This gift has been much needed since Saturn entered Virgo in September 2007. Now gone, Saturn will return for one last tango from April 8 to July 21, 2010, when your cool practicality is needed. You don’t like being on the edge emotionally and there has been much edginess courtesy of Uranus. This year, it’s Jupiter that engages your emotions, expanding your relationships and linking with Uranus to bring a whole new story into being. A sea change is coming: January supports love and friendship rekindled — a creative recharge spicing up your working style, noticeable February 6–28. Full Moon in Virgo on March 1 is lively and likely to hold a pleasant surprise, as are March 4, 10 and 12. March 16’s New Moon accelerates the emotional changes. Relationships go into overdrive, with high points March 31, April 1, April 6–26, May 3–19, June 9–15, July 1–21 and August 24 to September 20. Since September 8 has the fresh start energy of New Moon in Virgo, you begin with the sweet taste of being appreciated. A new business partnership could be on offer. A word of warning: power struggles are never far from the surface this year and someone who appears suddenly could disappear just as quickly. Protect yourself by signing no contracts around April 27, May 23 or between August 20 and September 12 and on September 19. Mid-November shifts gear into the real thing.

Libra Sep 23–Oct 22

This is your year to prove that peace does matter, even in the face of difficult people and hidden agendas. You are ruled by Venus, so the happiness of others is important to you, yet 2010 occasionally tests your good humour. A different kind of balance is needed with Saturn in Libra. January 19–20 excites love, and sweet connections are made now and in February. While pleasurable times make you jump with joy, 2010 is also a year when some storm clouds pass over your sunny skies: February 1, March 9, 12, 18–22 and 26 could bring your striving for recognition to a clash point. Your ambitions gain greater gravity, business grows and you take yourself more seriously. To really “give peace a chance”, humour helps. Around Libra Full Moon on March 30 and for much of April, you contemplate how good it is when love prevails. It’s home and family that strip off your layers, Pluto style, in late-June and late-July/August. Your heart needs are intense and best expressed simply — to be felt, not intellectualised. This facilitates deep transformation. Trust this process — when partners challenge you, compromise. Then you will feel reborn by the time of equinox when Sun enters Libra. If you find yourself in a sea of emotions September 23 to October 2, don’t block them. Make this cleansing and healing, then October 8’s New Moon in Libra is a fresh start. It’s synchronicity — October 8 is also when Venus begins a retro cycle, an inner journey into the deep recesses where heart and mind converge. In December, and indeed for the whole year, human companionship and the rhythm of love are the fuel that keeps you in balanced mode.

Scorpio Oct 23–Nov 21

Since passionate intensity is your trademark, why have many Scorpios been keeping their passions under the radar? This is set to change. It may have been the powerful home and family theme dominating 2009, or just your natural privacy keeping you low key. Now, giant Jupiter boosts creativity and love from January 18 to June 5, then again from September 9 to early 2011. Meanwhile, Mars vitalises your vocational path for six months and your passions go public. In January and February, mighty Mars propels you to explore your life purpose. This Mars retro cycle helps bring your true vocation into sight by exploring past roles. Your willpower will build muscles during this time! March begins with unexpected pleasures but caution is needed April 3–5 and 25–27. Since April 28 is Full Moon in Scorpio, let this be a love-affirming climax of your year. May carries on the sweetness theme, then June pushes you to the logical stage of serious self promotion. It’s organic — simply display your skills! From June 8 to July 30, methodical, clear thinking will be your greatest ally; from August 1 to September 14, it’s spiritual renewal and creative combustion. Then the power point of your year arrives when Mars enters Scorpio on September 15, which reenergises you for many months. You recapture the living vision, ready for your new solar cycle on October 23. Venus retro invites you to explore happiness October 8 to November 8 and New Moon in Scorpio on November 6 lifts the energy into a productive focus. When Lover Venus returns to Scorpio on November 30, you are in your element and magnetically attractive. Your private life gets busier and your expression becomes extra dynamic in December.

Sagittarius Nov 22–Dec 21

You often dream of the stars when you should be watching your step, yet this wider perspective also gives you an optimistic edge at challenging times.
With Jupiter guiding your happiness, the sweet rhythms of domestic rituals will feed your soul from mid-January to early June. Calm routines protect you in late-April when an old stress tries to claim you. Change is something your flexible nature easily embraces, but sudden changes to home and family can rattle you. Yet this is a source of good fortune this year, bringing productive results. It is followed by an energy rush from May 18 to Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 28. In June, Jupiter joins with Uranus in your love zone for three months. You prepare for a great adventure of the mind and the heart. Your creative ideas tumble over each other, with plans for travel figuring quite high after June 12’s New Moon. Supportive Fire and Air harmonies ensure easy connecting — the loving support that gives you the strength of purpose you need. From June to September, friendship and thoughtful links with others are the source of your good fortune. Teams take shape now. July and the first half of August could test your patience with protocol and money matters, but after late-August you will find this easier. September is perfect to complete those important tasks. Ignore any undercurrent power struggle at this time because it will only make you lose your direction. When mighty Mars enters Sagittarius on October 28, you are rip-roaring ready to go and New Moon in Sagittarius on December 6 illuminates the progress you have made.

Capricorn Dec 22–Jan 19

It’s a start with heart: achievement-oriented, you respond well to challenges and have had plenty. Now January 1’s Full Moon illuminates loving partnership, expands friendship and eclipses control issues. After Capricorn New Moon on January 15, much will change for the better. You become more relaxed about your business and personal goals as you take on the pleasing, laid-back Libran mode, courtesy of Saturn. With both Pluto and the eclipses in Capricorn, shedding an old skin is empowering and timely. The process kicks off late-December 2009 and gets juicier in late-March/April. Long-awaited changes and timely opportunities cluster around early January, early February, late-March and late-June. These are potentially times to blaze a trail forward — as long as reactive emotions don’t get in your way. Full Moon in Capricorn on June 26 is a special test that will lighten your spirit and resolve an old partnership struggle, if you speak and listen from your heart. Then in mid-July, the shift of roles will be a happy one. July 25 to August 4 accelerates things; opportunities for family and security have Jupiter power. Beware stubborn resistance in the face of change, also in mid-August. Listen to your intuition from mid-September through November and you will be back in that deeply connected state. If from September 26 to October 2 a few emotional landmines reappear, stay serene. Inner mysteries continue to unfold and your greatest sense of wellbeing comes when you identify what really fulfils you. 2010 pulls you out of isolation and teaches you new skills, activating your success magnet and your love of life./h3>

Aquarius Jan 20–Feb 18

Airy Aquarius, so socially aware, you often live in your head. Some years it’s easier to step back into your body and 2010 is such a year. With Jupiter making you an extreme version of yourself last year, you probably have had some warnings already. Being constantly driven by your ideas, roles and responsibilities can be tough on the body. Lunar rhythms have their own special story and your Aquarius New Moon of February 14 tells of inspired dreams and healing. Your financial stability benefits from good luck and powerful connections, so you are happy on many fronts. As long as you attend to high priorities first — such as your health — then mentally stimulating challenges will help feather your nest and keep you balanced. Your two ruling planets have been opposed since November 08, so life has had some sharp turns. Building a more harmonious and balanced schedule is your agenda now, even though late-April and late-July have stress tests. Jupiter joins Uranus, stepping up the pace in June and life gets exciting. Your learning and teaching skills will be highly polished by use. Early June and early November remind you of your spiritual and healing needs: Neptune and Chiron inspire you to find a sense of wholeness. Goals and plans that deplete energy rather than sustain you come up for inspection at Aquarius Full Moon on July 26. This climax brings a shift of perspective. Late-July to August 4 could be a challenging time, but you reap a rich harvest. The period from September 23 to December 21 is fertile ground for personal growth and mid-November to mid-December 2010 accelerates the process.

Pisces Feb 19–Mar 19

Jupiter, your expansive ruler, is back in Pisces. This makes 2010 the year to live your dreams. From January 18 to June 6, giant Jupiter cruises Pisces and you wake up. Dreams are all very well, but this is your year to put energy behind them. Is it a longing for more beauty around you, for travel or to overcome fear of commitment to someone you love? Uncover the dream in the black of the Moon January 13–15. Breathe life into this when Venus joins Jupiter February 15–24. When Sun and Moon embrace at Pisces New Moon on March 16, they are spiced by mental genius, via Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus. These five planets in Pisces are worthy of your attention and represent an interesting year ahead. Personal and sensitive issues are intuitively understood, rich insights are revealed and newfound independence or a sudden impulse of attraction can change your path. Whatever happens, you can be uplifted by Jupiter’s energy, “dignified” in Pisces because heart wisdom rules. Since November 2008, you have been on a rollercoaster as Saturn has opposed Uranus, but April 25–28, 2010, is the final challenge. It’s good to meet this with the wisdom gained from February and September 2009. Late-May also requires caution, but your intuition is strong, so take heed of inner warnings. There is a little window of opportunity June 7–20 to put some financial strategies in place, but do be cautious. With Jupiter opposite Saturn, risks could lead to regrets. With Pisces Full Moon on August 25 comes a happy climax, made more so by Jupiter’s return to Pisces in mid-September. Now, nourishment and nurturing support are life’s gifts to you.

Christine Broadbent loves her work. She offers consultations for life direction, for good business timing and relationship readings. She offers workshops in Sydney, Byron Shire and Auckland. See for Christine’s schedule and star sign updates. Ph (02) 9938 4382.

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