What people say they are attracted to, and what actually are attracted to are very different things.
I hear a lot these days about people snooping on their partners. Our information is more accessible than ever to our partner with a lot of people having smart phones, email and texts which save all our information. So finding an email, phone number or text is quite easy to do.
Unhealthy, toxic relationships can cause you real emotional and physical harm. So it’s time to detox those relationships that are getting you down.
Opinions on why the dating game is so difficult are rife, but one thing everybody agrees on is that men and women want the same thing — an authentic partner. Find out how to get beyond the superficial and attract someone who is real and right for you.
Which would you choose? This op-ed piece in the New York Times starts out with the example of Sandra Bullock who in the space of a week or so went from the high of winning a best actress Oscar, to the depths of despair upon finding out that her husband had had a number of […]
Being part of a relationship can be a truly touching and life-changing experience. Learn about the particular rituals that take relationships from one phase to the next.
Discover how to avoid blindly falling in love with an incompatible mate and instead ascend in love with the soulmate of your dreams.
What are the risks and benefits when the playing field suddenly includes more than two people?
In our hyper-materialistic corporate world, what are the best ways to deal with conflict?
Compassionate communication allows us to use our language in a new way and encourages a more rewarding experience when engaging and relating with others.
Sharing common goals and ideals with your partner is the first step towards developing a soulful, and lasting, connection.
Feeling attraction towards someone other than your partner is not, uncommon but denying it can lead to problems.
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