Women and men have brains that are wired in fundamentally different ways.
I love Christmas time. It’s my favourite time of year for so many reasons — summer, singing songs, silver stars, Santa… and that’s just the beginning! I especially enjoy spending extra time with my family, however it can be challenging to find activities to do together that don’t break the Christmas budget. Below, I’ve created […]
Gut feelings can be a good indicator of whether a marriage will work.
When a friendship feels like it is dragging you down instead of lifting you up, it’s time to decide whether you want to fix it or end it.
Too much texting can be bad for your relationship.
Men change the pace of their walk when they walk with someone they love.
Women can be attracted to a certain type of man even though they expect him to cheat on them.
Making eye contact may not always be the positive thing we believe it to be.
Women send messages to other women about their man via the goods that they buy.
The length of your relationship alters how your brain makes decisions about trusting your partner.
Men feel worse about themselves when a wife or girlfriend succeeds.
There must also be some agreement in the relationship from that time forth of mutual respect for each other’s feelings and boundaries and to have an honest relationship. This needs to be a commitment from both sides for it to work and becomes an ongoing process in your relationship. Some of the things that need to be said may in a sense be hurtful but it is better to clear the air than sweep it aside for it to fester again at another time.
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