Fingers point to fidelity

So often, and lamentably, in this world we divide ourselves into diametrically opposed camps. There are those who sleep in pyjamas every night and those who go au naturel, there are those who love gherkins and those who can’t abide them, and there are those who embrace camping while others prefer less rustic holidaying that entails less insects and more room service. Duality abounds in human affairs and it even exists in our attitude to human affairs. A new study has affirmed that when it comes to sexuality there are two distinct types of people and your fingers may indicate which type you are.

For the study researchers from Oxford University and Northumbria University interviewed people as to their thoughts and feelings towards non-committed sex and then took photocopies of their right hands. The hands were photocopied so that the length of the ring finger (the one next to the “pinkie” finger) could be measured. Ring finger length is a well-established indicator of exposure to testosterone when in the womb.

The results showed the dichotomy alluded to earlier; some people have a “restricted sociosexuality” meaning that they believe in forming an exclusive and extended bond with a sexual partner, while others have an unrestricted sociosexuality with little need for emotional involvement and lots of short-term partners.

Nothing remarkable so far, but the fingers held the interest in this study.

It emerged that both men and women with longer ring fingers were more likely to have an unrestricted sociosexuality meaning they are more likely to have multiple partners and therefore, if in a “relationship”, be more likely to stray.

You will notice of course, the heavy use of “more likely” in the preceding paragraph. Long ring fingers don’t mean that someone will be a bed-hopper but it indicates a genetic tendency and this study is the first to indicate that this study holds true in women as well as men. Lots of other factors come into play though in determining whether a person is likely to be faithful or not, a person is more than their finger length. Still, a quick glance at the ring finger on your first date might be useful.

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