Despite being millions of books on parenting, all of them are still focused on the act of raising a child. What we’ve failed to acknowledge, however, is that motherhood offers a chance to raise yourself.
Would you prefer an academic child or one who an show empathy, confidence and kindness? We look at how to raise emotionally intelligent kids.
Do you feel like an imposter at work, or perhaps in your studies? If you feel like you are a fraud and don’t belong, even though you are actually quite capable, then you might suffer from “imposter syndrome” and you are not alone.
As she grieved the loss of her unborn child, one reader was surprised to find it brought an unexpected sense of ease and presence into her life.
Satsangh is a Sanskrit word meaning a sacred gathering or being in the company of good people. It is important because the company you keep rubs off and people become like each other. So if you are mixing with people who are negative you will start to think of yourself and others in negative terms. If you are already doing this it can be changed. This article explains why Satsangh is important and how to change things in your life.
Why is it that once new love fades in a romantic relationship, it can sometimes feel like you are sleeping with the enemy? We explore how you can renew your relationships, clear out the clutter of unresolved hurt and work through communication breakdowns.
Parenthood is a wild ride filled with heart-warming moments, challenge, anxiety and uncertainty. Be more mindful of your parenting mental chatter and achieve inner calm in the chaos
From cloth nappies to biodegradable solutions, we explore the greener alternatives to caring for your baby’s bottom.
We’d all like our children to be brave, try new things and accept failure — but how can we nurture this? Here’s the advice of some of Australia’s top adventurers (and one of their mums!)
Glue ear is a condition that needs urgent attention as it can lead to some serious issues with your child. If the condition continues you may need grommets.
If you only hold a pen to scrawl out your shopping list and the contents of your letterbox are solely bills, you’re not alone. While these days most of us communicate mainly through social media, email and text, fortunately the art of letter writing is not lost. Time to put pen to paper.
A triad of roles — the Persecutor, the Rescuer and the Victim — dominate many human interactions. Identify which role you follow and discover how to change your archetypal dynamic.
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