Saying sorry is a powerfully connecting act that can soothe wounds, strengthen relationships and initiate a new beginning.
Following five principles to keep your love sacred can sustain a loving relationship for a lifetime.
A natural birth is not about bravery awards. Learn about massaging your baby’s breathing to life through the birth canal and using natural hormones to handle pain.
A healthy body is the best place for your baby to grow. Your diet and fitness level can play a major part in influencing the health of your unborn child.
Good preparation can facilitate an easier birth, faster recovery, more effective breastfeeding and a healthy bond between parents and baby.
Your baby’s Sun sign will give you an insight into his emerging personality.
Ecstatic birth has bonded mothers and babies in love and pleasure, and rewarded new mothers for their role in reproduction.
Overcome the dissolution of a marriage and use it as a catalyst for greater growth.
How to make your wedding personally meaningful
The first form of communication for a baby is through the skin. Babies that receive extra touch therapy, on average, have a hospital day shorter by six days.
Complementary therapies can assist with unexplained infertility. These techniques can assist in regulating the menstrual cycle, invigorating sperm and enhancing your entire body.
The way your baby is treated at birth will impact on whether they reach their full potential. Learn about making your birthing room warm, with low lights and soft voices.
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