It seems that jealousy may serve a useful biological function.
Hand gestures are a vital part of your communication
Close bonds with parents help children make friends with other kids.
The words you use to talk to yourself about conflict impact how you resolve it.
Being in love can reduce neurosis and neurotic behaviour.
Children with autism spectrum disorders have different gut bacteria.
Often people are afraid to move on into the unknown so they tolerate the abusive partner or bully in their life. Another reason is that their self esteem has usually been eroded so low that they may even feel they deserve the abuse in some way. Some people don’t even realise they are being abused.
In these circumstances of abuse it becomes important for people to know how to let go. Friends, relatives, therapists can all assist you to leave the abuser. If it is in a love relationship or domestic situation – move out. If it’s bullying at work – quit your job and take appropriate action legally. Ask for compensation – you deserve it.
The human nose can sniff out gender and sexuality.
Happy relationships could prolong your life.
Playing outdoors has an effect on the spirituality of children.
There are many children’s that teach positive lessons but they are not being pushed to the front of the store.
If you’re not having sex with your partner, maybe it’s time to find out what’s blocking your sexual energy.
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