Casual chats perform an important social function.
More effort in the favours you do for others elicits more gratitude.
Text messages that end in a full stop seem less sincere.
If you think your search for love is doomed just because of your age, why not focus on what you can change: your habits and your attitude?
In the workplace rudeness leads to more rudeness.
Living together is as good as getting married for your emotional health.
Men eat differently depending on the sex of their eating partners.
A raisin may be able to predict a child’s academic future.
The role of a parent or caregiver is to offer constant support, love and encouragement to children as they explore life.
Fairness in contribution to household chores leads to a better sex life.
People of certain ages are more likely to feel envy than others.
Singing in groups has a powerful social function.
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