Weight-loss concepts: What is BMR? What is PAL? What is TDEE?

Weight-loss concepts – What is BMR? What is PAL? What is TDEE?

Lots of acronyms but basically the BMR is a way to understand the calories needed to keep you alive (or your base metabolic rate). Add to this a measure of your physical activity levels (PAL) and you have your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) in calories. These are useful concepts when understanding the energy requirements you need each day and setting a reasonable weight-loss goal.

Basal Metabolic Rate = BMR

Physical Activity Level = PAL

Total Daily Energy Expenditure = TDEE

The Harris-Benedict BMR shows the amount of energy (in calories) that your body needs to function, allowing for individual factors such as height, weight, age and gender.

The BMR is a measure for adults only. Here’s how it works…

Create your basic BMR figure…

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