Tips for a daily detox

A naturopath or other health practitioner may recommend a detox as part of a preventative health plan. The essential principles of the detox can be incorporated into your daily life so you feel healthier and re-energised.

What is a detox?
Toxins enter our bodies through the food we eat, the air we breathe and the products our skin absorbs. The body naturally detoxifies itself to remove these chemical toxins. However, when toxin levels become too high, the body stores toxins in fat and bone marrow cells. During a detox, toxins are removed from the fat and bone marrow cells and flushed into the blood steam where they are transformed by the liver and excreted.

A detox involves several key principles which can be integrated into our daily lives to help reduce toxins and contribute to an overall feeling of health and wellbeing.

Drinking plenty of water is an easy way to aid the detox process. Carry around a bottle of water with you and drink the recommended 1.5 to 2 litres a day to help flush toxins out of your system. Drinking water will also help hydrate the skin and regenerate cells. For a detox it is recommended to drink pure, filtered water.

It is no surprise that processed foods may contain harmful additives and preservatives which add to the build up of toxins in our bodies. Choosing a diet of whole foods with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will help remove the waste and toxins that have accumulated as a result of poor eating habits. Making simple food choices can help you reduce your intake of toxins and also contribute to a feeling of increased energy and vitality.

Stop smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and caffeine
These products must not only be cut back for the sake of a detox but also for your health. Inhaling a cigarette or drinking large amounts of alcohol or caffeine causes a number of harmful toxins to enter your system. You should cut these items out of your life cold turkey or take a gradual approach. For instance, start by cutting down your four cups of coffee to three or start drinking herbal tea. Herbal teas are also beneficial for detoxing the system.

Exercise helps accelerate the detox process. Exercise stimulates lymph and blood circulation and relaxes muscles to aid the detox process. Start walking, jogging, swimming or cycling to experience the health as well as the detox benefits offered. Yoga, which also incorporates deep breathing, helps to eliminate toxins.

Remembering to take some time out of your day to rest, relax and de-stress will assist in the detox process and will also help you feel re-energised. Treat yourself to a massage to increase lymph and blood circulation. It is also important to get enough sleep to replenish the cells.

Start making some simple changes in your life today to help with your natural detoxification process and achieve better health, more energy and a natural glow.

Find a practitioner that can help you with a detox

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