Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy is the detailed science of stimulating and balancing the flow of subtle energy to bring physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances into equilibrium. Polarity Therapy finds out what is out of alignment, and then balances the positive, negative and neutral poles of the body. Using light and deep pressure point massage, gentle rocking and stretching, as well as nutritional advice, verbal dialogue and Polarity Yoga. Polarity Therapy has the effect of being both relaxing and at the same time recharging ones energy. Polarity Therapy is a powerful healing technique which reduces stress, releases muscular tension, balances the emotions, improves postural habits, alleviates pain and discomfort, strengthens the immune system, and prevents disease, while maintaining a sense of health and well-being. (Courtesy of www.spiritualpage.com.au/polarity )