Herbal medicine for women

Herbal remedies are a great alternative medicine that can offer women assistance throughout all stages of their life. There are a number of herbal medicines that produce effective results for women to ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, boost fertility, relieve the discomforts and nausea of pregnancy and assist with menopausal symptoms.

Herbal medicine and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome which may include bloating, depression, headaches, cramping, insomnia, acne, nervousness, irritability and water retention. There are a range of herbal medicines that can help relieve these symptoms. Herbs such as cramp bark, motherwort, white will and dong quai can be combined into a tea to soothe cramps. Valerian is also effective for treating nervous tension.
Women experience these PMS symptoms as the blood calcium in the body drops before a period. This continues to drop until the third day of a cycle. As a result, calcium supplements and calcium rich foods are beneficial in easing PMS symptoms.

Herbal medicine for fertility

Herbal medicines can work to increase your fertility and chances of falling pregnant.

False unicorn root can help regulate and normalise egg production of the ovaries. It also strengthens the womb. It has been long used as a fertility-assisting herbal medicine, but is an endangered species and should only been used when absolutely necessary. Wild yam is also beneficial for fertility. It increases the chances of pregnancy as it has oestrogenic effects.

Chaste berry and dong quai are also said to enhance female reproductive health.

Herbal medicines during pregnancy

Herbal medicines can be taken during pregnancy to ease discomfort and nausea.

During pregnancy, herbal medicines such as raspberry can be used. Raspberry can be used to facilitate delivery. It also relaxes the uterine muscles and regulates hormones during pregnancy and delivery. It can be taken in a tonic along with other herbs such as black cohosh, dong quai, butcher’s broom and squaw vine to tone the uterus and relieve pain, discomfort and muscle spasms. Wild yam root can also be taken during pregnancy and is used to prevent miscarriage.

Some herbs are strongly advised to be avoided during pregnancy, so be sure to consult a practitioner before taking any herbal medicines when pregnant.

Menopause and herbal medicines
The symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, depression, heart palpitations and shortness of breath can also be assisted with herbal medicines.

Herbs such as licorice root and ginseng stimulate the production of oestrogen which slows with menopause. The decrease of such hormones also leads to symptoms of depression. Other herbs which have sources of female hormones such as star grass, wild yam root, nettle, false unicorn are also beneficial. These herbal medicines can be taken individually or added to other herbs to create a tonic to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Consult a qualified practitioner before taking herbal medicines. Some herbal medicines should not be taken in certain circumstances and their effects may vary according to dosage.  Find a herbalist near you

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