Herbal medicine for the heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. So, maintaining the health of your heart and circulatory system is vital. Along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, there are also a number of herbal medicines that can help promote optimal heart health and treat cardiovascular disorders.

What is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the term used to classify a number of heart, stroke and blood vessel diseases. There are many forms and causes of diseases in this diverse group. In most developed countries the main underlying problem is atherosclerosis. In atherosclerosis, fatty deposits build up in the inner lining of arteries. Atherosclerosis can cause high blood pressure that could lead to angina, heart attack, stroke or sudden cardiac death.

Herbal medicine for heart disease

Medication can be prescribed to regulate and control CVDs. For a natural approach, there are a number of herbal medicines that can be used to help calm and stabilise the heart, lower blood pressure, promote cardiovascular health and contribute to overall wellbeing.

Motherwort is a herbal medicine that can improve coronary health and remove congestion and wastes from the body. This herbal medicine can be used in the treatment of heart palpitations, heart weaknesses and shortness of breath. It helps regulate high blood pressure and normalise heart function.


Cayenne pepper, also known as capsicum, is considered an effective heart stimulant. This herbal medicine can lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. Cayenne promotes cardiovascular activity and also lessens blood clotting. Cayenne can be taken in a capsule form along with other herbal medicines that benefit the heart including hawthorn berries, apple pectin and black cohosh.
Hawthorn berries
Hawthorn is another form of herbal medicine that is beneficial in treating cardiovascular circulatory disorders. The active properties in Hawthorn berries can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. When used over a long period of time, Hawthorn is able to promote increased blood flow throughout the heart and body. Hawthorn berries can be consumed in a tincture or capsule in combination with black cohosh root and cayenne pepper to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Valerian is a popular herbal medicine commonly used to treat anxiety, stress and tension. It can also be used to ease hypertension. Valerian has been used to lower blood pressure, increase cardiovascular activity and improve circulation. Valerian also has a high content of calcium.

Preventative care

Herbal medicines are beneficial to maintain a healthy heart, especially for those who have a history of CVD in their family. For optimal results, herbal medicines should be coupled with a healthy, active lifestyle.

It is best to lead a healthy lifestyle that avoids the main factors that contribute to heart disease. These include smoking, fatty foods, stress, sedentary lifestyle, low nutrient diets, high sugar diets and diets high in sodium. Opt for a balanced, nutritious diet of fruit and vegetables and high fibre foods. Garlic, ginger, onions and turmeric are also all beneficial for heart health and circulation. Couple this with regular exercise for preventative CVD care.

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