Driving and sustainable living

The energy required to power the car’s internal combustion engine comes from fossil fuels found in the earth’s crust, including petroleum, coal and natural gas. Petroleum, which powers much of the world’s transport, is refined into suitable fuel products, such as gasoline, heating oil and kerosene.

As some of the world’s most serious environmental issues have been created by burning petroleum as part of the refining process, it is essential that we find an option for sustainable living. When fossil fuels are burned, sulphur, nitrogen and carbon combine with oxygen to form compounds known as oxides. These form gases that cause problems including global warming, particle pollution and acid rain.

What’s more, the reliance on fossil fuels and the global growth in the numbers of cars have combined to set up a formula whereby fossil fuels are being consumed at a much faster rate than they are produced and they will eventually run out.

As a driver, there are three actions you can take in the move towards sustainable living:

1.    Convert to alternative cleaner and greener fuels.
2.    Use your existing car more efficiently.
3.    Use your car less.

Green living car options

Years of research and investment by companies into alternative ways of powering your car with renewable, clean and energy-efficient fuel has led to a number of green living car options being released to the market.
The hybrid car also makes a case for sustainable living. A hybrid is a term used to describe the evolution of the everyday combustion engine car into a half petrol/half electric (or other alternative fuel) car. The hybrid switches from petrol to electric mode when idling or travelling at low speeds, thereby reducing petrol consumption and emissions.

The ethanol and biodiesel mixes are also the most popular compromise alternative fuel for sustainable living and driving. They don’t require changes to the current combustion engine style of vehicle yet they achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable living tips for becoming more efficient

A hybrid car isn’t the only answer to reduce emissions and achieve more sustainable living. Reducing the amount of fuel you use in your current car can still help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some actions you can take to decrease your fuel use and move towards green living:
•    Avoid wasting fuel by idling in congested traffic situations.
•    For sustainable living and driving, ensure your car is regularly serviced, as out-of-tune cars pollute more heavily.
•    Reduce speed and avoid hard accelerating and heavy braking — driving more slowly and smoothly reduces fuel consumption.
•    Remove unnecessary items from your car and travel light for better fuel consumption.
•    Try to reduce your use of the air-conditioner — it can swallow up to 10 per cent extra fuel.
When it comes to sustainable living, there are also major differences between large and small cars in fuel efficiency. So if you are drive a larger car that consumes more fuel this may also be an incentive to move towards sustainable living driving choices.

Tips for green living

To achieve green living and sustainable driving you don’t need to get rid of your car. However, there’s a range of different means you can try, such as converting to an alternative-fuel car or simply using your car less.
Make the move towards sustainable living when it comes to driving by leaving your car at home for a day or two and use public transport, walk or cycle as alternatives. Car pooling with a friend is another good choice for sustainable living.

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