Women in work

How women working together can take over the world

You’ve probably heard the adage “the future is female”. But what does that mean?

Women around the globe are harnessing interpersonal skills that make them better leaders and communicators in the workplace. As Brené Brown, researcher and thought leader, says, “It is vulnerability that makes good leaders.”

Australian business Fempire is the brainchild of founder and CEO Marnie LeFevre. Fempire provides the support, systems and resources to aid in empowering women to become powerful business coaches and leaders for other women.

Marnie believes that the future is female. She knows that the driving factor in a successful women’s business is gaining support from other highly trained women in business.

“We believe the future is not male,” she says. “That means that the future of female leadership is important and that it is feminine. It’s important to note that I’m not referring to the backwards way we have thought of ‘feminine’ in the past.”

“’The future is female’ means that leadership is leaning more towards being collaborative than competitive,” she says. Marnie believes that women working together are going to change the world. Women need to be given more leadership roles and more women need to step into them.

“In the corporate world, 90 per cent of men will put their hands up for leadership roles that they are not ready for. Women feel that they need to be 95 per cent ready before they apply, where men are happy to put their hands up at 60 per cent,” Marnie says.

Fempire gives women the tools and resources so that they can confidently step into leadership training for women. “We give women in business the tools and resources to step into leadership roles. We offer them a safety net in their own minds then we back it up by giving them a supportive network of women to help them,” she explains.

Fempire works mainly with entrepreneurs, which Marnie knows can be quite a lonely road. “We’ve created a bit of a girls’ club, rather than a boys’ club,” she shares. “All of our coaches – even though they work independently – work collaboratively to get clients. If a coach believes that a particular client is not in her wheelhouse, then she would refer them to a coach that is an expert in that area. We share our successes.” That’s what women in business do well.

Marnie says that most people traditionally wouldn’t share that information because they think it might limit them in their personal endeavors. “The more everyone succeeds, the healthier the whole dynamic is. That’s a very female dynamic,” she shares. That is the very dynamic we need to inspire women to become thought leaders, community spokespeople and successful businesswomen.

Marnie, we thank you for your incredible work in the community. It is stories like yours that inspire The WellBeing Women of the Year Awards. The WellBeing Women of the Year Awards aim to give women in business and women in the community a platform of acknowledgment and celebration.

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