Skin Saviours

skin concerns

Sonya Driver, founder of Eco Tan, shares her top tips for finding the right routine for different skin concerns.

The most important thing for all skin concerns is to do no harm. Our skin is our largest organ and much of what you put on it can be absorbed into your bloodstream.

When I’m formulating my organics, the one thing I always add is natural active ingredients. For example, vitamin C at the right dosage and type brightens and targets pigmentation, evens skin tone and boosts collagen production. It’s truly a phenomenal ingredient.

Oily, acne-prone skin concerns

My heart really goes out to those who suff er from acne as I did from my teens to my 20s. It can really be a blow to your self-confi dence and self-esteem. To those people, I say, keep it simple:

Dry/rosacea/irritated skin

People who suff er from rosacea frequently contact me. If you can only afford two products, here is a combo that will dramatically change the appearance of rosacea:

Maturing Skin

Mature skin really needs refi ning and promotion of collagen and cell turnover. In other words, fresh new skin. So don’t be afraid to exfoliate:

For more information, visit

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