Holistic Q & A

A Q and A with Sujata Rama from travel company Abercrombie and Kent

A Q&A with Sujata Rama from Abercrombie & Kent

Passionate about seeing the world and experiencing its cultures, Sujata Rama has lived on three continents and travelled to all seven. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent, where she has been the managing director for 10 years.

A Q and A with Dr Alena Pribyl from the Microba team

A Q&A with Dr Alena Pribyl from Microba

We speak to Dr Alena Pribyl, the Senior Scientist and Research Officer at Microba. Offering in-depth gut microbiome testing and analysis, Microba can help to discover your unique microbiome, how it affects your health and how you can achieve a better balance between desirable and less desirable microorganisms in your gut.