UTS Online

UTS Online Provides Upskilling Opportunities Amidst Talent Shortages

Business strategies are evolving rapidly in virtually every industry, from tech to healthcare to finance to manufacturing. Talent shortages are becoming increasingly problematic for many Australian organisations as the fast pace of technological innovation has rendered old skills obsolete and created an increasing demand for new ones. To combat the growing skills gap, many employers are being challenged to either recruit new talent or encourage their existing employees to upskill.

In particular, the healthcare industry and aged care sectors in Australia are suffering from shortages of qualified talent. This phenomenon is not unique to Australia; as the world’s population ages and senior citizens seek the care they need, the numbers of people who need healthcare have begun to exceed the numbers of carers who can supply it. This has become a global problem.

In the realm of healthcare, natural medicine offers one relatively easy solution to these challenges. If people were to be more proactive about guarding their health, strengthening their immune systems, resisting disease and creating powerful health for themselves, the ultimate burden on the healthcare system would be far lower. This would be the logical first step towards solving the underlying problems.

If organisations in varied industries hope to solve their talent shortage challenges, another inevitable conclusion is that sizable portions of the current population will have to invest some effort in re-training and upskilling. This is particularly true in cases where workers have been displaced from their previous jobs by either automation or the COVID-19 crisis. Education, in many cases, can bridge the gap between an unemployed person’s current skill set, which may be outdated, and the skill set they will need to acquire if they hope to reinvigorate their career in the future.

Postgraduate study is a straightforward path to re-training or upskilling to solve the talent shortage problems. People can typically complete a postgraduate degree program in about two years’ time. The resulting skills refresh can boost job seeker’s employability and also their earning potential.

UTS Online is an Australian university offering postgraduate-level academic coursework in relevant, cutting-edge disciplines encompassing science, technology and business. The university’s offerings are all designed to equip course graduates with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to excel in their careers.

The course material at UTS Online is delivered to students by means of an interactive online platform. This allows for a great deal of flexibility, making it possible for working professionals to keep their jobs and also complete a course of study. This is also an excellent solution for unemployed persons who must spend significant amounts of time hunting for work; parents; and frequent travellers.

As a result of the growing demand for highly qualified nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses, UTS Online offers a Master of Advanced Nursing degree program. This program offers a choice of different specialisations, each of which is designed to address one or more of the most compelling current needs in global healthcare. In all cases, the course material focuses on teaching students how to initiate improved outcomes in person-centred care.

Specialisation pathways

Students enrolling in the program have the option, but not the obligation, to choose a specialisation. Current possible specialisations include acute care; chronic and complex care; quality and safety; or leadership and management.

This program is ideal for registered nurses who wish to further their careers. Successful completion of the course could potentially result in a variety of positive outcomes including eligibility for nurse manager, nurse researcher or nurse educator roles. Additionally, the course provides multiple opportunities to discover additional insights and acquire new skills that can be beneficial to a nurse’s career.

For more information
To learn more about the Master of Advanced Nursing degree or any of the other programs UTS Online offers, visit the UTS Online website.
W: studyonline.uts.edu.au


Caitlin Martin

Caitlin Martin

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