Earth with stars

The Earth Institute

At The Earth Institute, we provide nature-based and soul-centered programs based on Joseph Campbell’s understanding of the Heroic Journey into wholeness, service and bliss. Our courses can reconnect you with the soulfulness and joy of nature and of life by rekindling your contact with your own sacred nature. Natural Mystic, our online and personally mentored learning journey, guides you into new personal, relationship, shamanic and spiritual realities. Completion of the first three phases provides a Certificate of Soulful Living. On completion of all five phases an Advanced Certificate of Shamanic Self-Discovery is awarded. This is part of the Diploma of Soul-Centered Mentoring.

Living Soul: The Call (our first phase of Natural Mystic, one module) is a personal discovery path in how to respond to soul’s call by being and becoming more soulful.

Shadow to Light: The Quest (phase two, two modules) explores your soul’s quest into and back from ‘the fruitful darkness’ of the less conscious and less lived aspects (shadow) of Self. This program builds awareness of your life purpose and how to best enact this journey through relating with the four core patterns of development (archetypes) – hero / heroine, warrior, shaman, lover.

Sacred Nature: The Threshold (phase three, two modules) we explore the creation of threshold places, actions and experiences for soulful connection in your new world. At thresholds you become more aware of ‘the dreaming’ – a meeting place of body, soul, nature and spirit where your sacred nature is more fully lived. (This completes the Certificate of Soulful Living).

Shaman’s Path: The Crossing (phase four, two modules) helps enable you to experience the ways of this natural mystic. Its threshold crossing can lead to an ‘acquisition of soul power’ activating the shamanic archetype within the Self.

Pulse of Creation: The Return (phase five of Natural Mystic, two modules), explores your soul’s ecstatic retrieval with greater access to the ‘life force’. This embodying of Spirit integrates the archetype of World Server – living as a ‘builder of the dawn’ and ‘rainbow bridge’ in the new consciousness. (This completes the Advanced Certificate of Shamanic Self-Discovery)

For more details, visit here.

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The WellBeing Team

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