courses in nutrition

Start a Career in Natural Health and Nutrition Today

Explore a career in natural health with courses in nutrition, naturopathy, and preventative health at Health Academy.

There is no better time to think of a career in the natural health and nutrition industries. People are more and more turning to preventative health so they can lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent future disease.

Risk factors such as smoking, obesity, stress and lack of physical activity increase the risk of developing ill-health.

We can prevent many of these conditions from developing, or reduce their impact, by creating systems and environments that support people to live a healthy lifestyle.

Chronic diseases are caused by a range of risk factors. While some of them such as age and genetics cannot be changed, there are many risk factors that can be changed, which helps prevent chronic disease.

Preventative health can include counselling on such topics as quitting smoking, losing weight, eating healthy\, treating depression, reducing alcohol use, and learning coping mechanisms for anxiety and stress.

With the knowledge of human nutrition and alternative therapies, wellbeing consultants can advise people on their diets, alternative treatments using medicinal herbs or aromatherapy to treat symptoms of conditions and to alleviate pain, anxiety and discomfort.

Having the knowledge of the human body and its physiological functions will help the consultant recognise signs and symptoms of their client’s condition so they can advise the client to seek appropriate medical help. All of Health Academy’s Certificates in Nutrition and Naturopathy include the option of choosing Human Biology as an elective.

Health Academy also advises students to choose an elective in their certificate or auadvanced certificate course, which covers either counselling or life coaching, as these skills are essential when consulting with clients and knowing the right way to counsel them and help their needs.

If you are passionate about gaining knowledge to help others in preventative health, feel free to speak to one of Health Academy’s course advisors, who can suggest the right course for your interests and aspirations. Health Academy has many courses that qualify you to practice as independent and insured consultants.

Contact Health Academy Australia today.

T: 07 5689 1500

Article featured in WellBeing 212 Course Guide

Kate Duncan

Kate Duncan

Kate Duncan is the Editor of WellBeing and WILD. She loves surfing, creating raw desserts, flowing through nourishing yoga sequences and spending time with her new pooch, Maribou.

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