We chat with AcuEnergetics® co-director Rochelle Taylor to talk virtual learning, the body’s electrical flow and cultivating mindful skills.
We chat to naturopath Chelsey Costa about her journey into the world of natural health and how choosing the holistic path at Endeavour College proved to be one of the most rewarding decisions she made.
Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is committed to continuous quality improvement and providing the Australian public with the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of our practitioners. ANTA employs an executive officer, administrative staff and is governed by a board of directors, who are all qualified practitioners in their respective modalities.
We explore the power of the mind and the meaning of gratitude through a four-week course at Nature Care College.
Are you ready to turn your passion into a career? Find out more about yoga teacher training with Byron Yoga Centre.
‘Wellness’ is more than a buzzword – it’s a state of being. But what is the meaning of wellness? We chat to our friends at Nature Care College to find out.
Naturopath Lexie McPhee shares her journey through the world of natural health and how her time at Endeavour helped shape her perspective on self-care and make her career dream a reality.
Today’s beauty therapists offer their customers more than meets the eye. Beauty services help promote personal wellness and provide the opportunity to escape for mindful contemplation.
The team behind Ceres Organics give us the low-down on exactly what we should be looking for in a good seed or nut butter – and what to avoid.
Looking to create more life balance and perhaps a change in career? Australian Correspondence Schools can help you find your passion.
Improving overall health and wellbeing is at the forefront of most people’s minds, and a natural approach is one way to do so. In celebration of Australia’s only Natural Medicine Week, 24-30 May 2021, we’ve collated a guide to help you understand what natural medicine is, how it works, the different types of therapies available and why it’s so important for Australians.
Rachel Lowry is a fiercely inspiring woman. As the WWF-Australia Chief Conservation Officer, she works with experts to develop solutions to problems that threaten nature and our wellbeing.
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