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Australian Traditional-Medicine Society

Empower your practice with the support of a professional associationlike Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS).

Whether you’re soon to graduate or have recently graduated, it can be a daunting time as you make important decisions such as starting your own clinic or working within an established practice. There are lots of things to learn and discover including attracting clients, meeting their needs and understanding business requirements. 

One of the key ways to set yourself up for success is by joining a professional association that is invested in your success. This allows you to not only have access to the latest information, resources and expert advice, but also be part of a community of like-minded people working to support each other and better the industry.

The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) is proud of its members and their commitment to the natural medicine industry and aims to deliver high value to help them reach their goals. Student members get insider access to the multitude of ways ATMS supports members at no cost, because ATMS believes in fostering a strong foundation right from the beginning. 

Below are some of the reasons to join the ATMS community. 

Extensive CPE calendar year-round 

ATMS is pleased to offer a large CPE calendar offering a wide range of events targeted towards different therapies and topics (Bodywork, Ingestive, Chinese Medicine and Business). The events include webinars, seminars, hands-on workshops and Symposiums – all led by experienced presenters and based on the latest best practice techniques and research. 

ATMS have a Webinar Library including on-demand recordings from previous events. 

Also offering a dedicated event for students and graduates to help them with the transition from study to clinic seamlessly is the Transition to Practice Seminar. It travels around Australia each year and offers a high-value experience covering the basics of setting up a clinic and establishing yourself as an accredited practitioner. Here’s what an attendee had to say at a previous Transition to Practice Seminar:

“Thank you so much to the presenters for giving us such a brilliant learning experience. I loved every minute and I am looking forward to a purposeful journey ahead.”

Recognition as an accredited practitioner

ATMS understands the level of knowledge and experience members have in their selected fields. For this reason, it trademarked the ATMS “accredited practitioner” logo and uses it across all marketing materials to the public. Emphasising the importance of visiting accredited natural medicine practitioners is a core part of the messaging ATMS uses to engage the public and support its members.  

Members of ATMS have access to accredited practitioner logos, which get updated each year to highlight the currency of their membership. Students also have access to badges to show their commitment to their profession and maintaining the highest standards even in their studies. 

Advocacy and promotion of the industry on mass scale

With a multi-modality membership base, ATMS work hard to communicate with government, health funds and the wider industry to raise awareness of the diversity and the unique benefits of the many natural medicine therapies. 

One of the largest initiatives started by ATMS is Natural Medicine Week, hosted annually it promotes the important work of accredited practitioners and how positively natural medicine contributes to the health and wellbeing of all Australians. This campaign is reliant on member involvement with an Ambassador program and the ability to host events, write blogs and share original recipes. Reaching millions of Australians, ATMS uses the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the importance of accredited practitioners and also its members participating in the campaign. 

It is at no cost to members to participate in naturalmedicineweek.com.au and provides a prime opportunity to expand your network and reach new clients. 

Access to the latest research and industry insights

ATMS is a huge supporter of research in the natural medicine field and understands how vital the latest findings are for practitioners to inform their practice so they can deliver the best care to clients. 

Accredited members have access to the EBSCO Alternative Medicine Research Package including over 1,600 full text natural medicine and allopathic medicine journals and the EBSCO Rehabilitation Reference Center with 100s of evidence-based clinical summaries and nearly 10,000 Exercise Images. ATMS Student members also have access to EBSCO resources to support them in their studies. 

The highly respected peer reviewed Journal of Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (JATMS) is also available to accredited members and students. Collating the most trusted and progressive research in natural medicine with each edition focused on specific modalities and themes. It is published in March, June, September and December of each year. 

Celebrating the achievements of individuals and the industry

Each year ATMS hosts the Natural Medicine Awards, aiming to recognise outstanding individuals and clinics working to provide high quality care to clients. Traditionally there have been three categories including Practitioner of the Year, Clinic of the Year and Student of the Year; however, in 2024 a new one was introduced, Lecturer of the Year. 

Finalists are selected in each category with the winners announced at a memorable Gala Dinner. 

A word from the 2023 Student of the Year winner: 

“It is amazing to be recognised for the contribution I have made to the local Endeavour community and also the Fijian communities through volunteer work. To win this award has assured me I am in a really supportive and inspiring profession filled with like-minded and dedicated practitioners,” – Olivia Croker.

In addition to the awards program, ATMS is pleased to offer grant opportunities to support members in their endeavours including:

  • The Research Grant – up to AU$10,000 for accredited members undertaking large natural medicine research projects
  • The Simon Schot Education Grant – awarding 10 recipients annually a reimbursement of AU$500 to go towards their studies

So, what are you waiting for? 

Join the tight knit community at ATMS and access all of the above great benefits and so much more! 

ATMS Student members can upgrade to an accredited membership for only $100. 

Together, we can work to increase awareness of natural medicine and its diversity, as well as improve the opportunities for natural medicine practitioners by increasing recognition.

By joining an industry association, you are held to the highest standard including continued education and a code of conduct, which advises members of acceptable conduct towards clients, colleagues, the natural medicine profession and the broader community, as well as what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. 

Connect with ATMS today. 

T: 1800 456 855

W: atms.com.au

Article featured in Wellbeing Magazine 212 Course Guide

Kate Duncan

Kate Duncan

Kate Duncan is the Editor of WellBeing and WILD. She loves surfing, creating raw desserts, flowing through nourishing yoga sequences and spending time with her new pooch, Maribou.

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Australian Traditional-Medicine Society