This Ayurvedic medicine has been revered for thousands of years and can heal many modern maladies.
A study finds that children with asthma are often prescribed antibiotics even though they don’t need it.
Study shows that women can outlast men in dynamic muscles exercises and in everyday physical movements.
A study compares the effects of meditation and hatha yoga on our brain function, energy levels and mood.
Higher consumption of red meat and poultry is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
These rare and beautiful oils are changing the face of beauty and wellness. We take an in-depth look.
Researchers discovered that prescription asthma medication can halve the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
Practising self-care is just as important for your mental and emotional health as it is for your physical health — and not only will it benefit you but those around you, too.
Many of our everyday tasks leave our bodies in an unnatural forward bend. This simple yoga pose will help counter this as you open up, lift and refresh the whole body and mind.
Dark chocolate enriched with olive oil reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease significantly.
A new study shows that a protein in abdominal fat can turn non-cancerous cells into cancerous tumours.
Exercise in mid-life is not associated to cognitive fitness in later years as established by other previous studies.
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