Spicy food seems to reduce salt intake according to a new study.
The automatic reflexive system in the human eye produces a conscious visual experience providing insight into excessive light sensitivity.
Regular walking, even if it is below the recommended level, results in lower mortality compared to no activity.
Sweet foods should only ever be a “treat”, something you have occasionally, but if you use natural sweeteners when you do have them, you can enjoy them with a clear conscience.
Adding oil to your salads promotes the absorption of micronutrients, according to a new study.
Here are some natural DIY home hair treatments that will not only nurture and nourish your hair, but will also make it smell delicious.
A study examines if adolescents are sleeping less every night and what are the factors that contribute to it.
Regular physical activity and stress reduction techniques can benefit lupus patients in the long run.
For glowing skin that radiates good health, nourish and nurture yourself on the inside with nutritious food and time-honoured self-care practices.
Walnuts in our diet can change the makeup of gut bacteria which can significantly improve our health.
Study shows that your walking pace is an excellent indicator of your heart health.
Daily consumption of tomatoes may reduce the development of skin cancer tumours.
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