Sun damage is not only one of the major ways to age your skin, it can increase your chances of skin cancer. Of course, you should avoid excessive exposure, but there are also natural ways to support and protect your skin, keeping it young and healthy.
Drinking a cup of hot tea at least once a day may be linked to a significantly lower risk of developing glaucoma.
Can yoga bridge the gap between the fortunate and the less fortunate? Founders of Australian yoga charities discuss what selfless service truly means.
Pawpaw (papaya) is one of the most popular fruits in the world and it’s not only delicious but nutritious and healing as well.
High intensity exercise three times a week delays the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms.
Travel offers a wonderful opportunity to discover new places and cultures. Plus, it offers the chance to meaningfully engage with and serve others and the planet.
A study shows that office workers find a negative relationship between sitting time and their health and suggest intervention methods.
Michael Elstein weighs up pharmaceuticals and vitamins.
A new study finds a link between asthma in mid-childhood and consumption of fructose and sugared beverages during pregnancy.
Use of digital devices before bedtime may contribute to sleep and nutrition problems in young children.
In this clinical case we take an in-depth look at gout, a painful form of arthritis. Read more.
Inflammation is the main way the body protects itself from injury, infection, bacteria and pathogens. We take a look at what happens when the body has too much inflammation.
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