Skin microbiome may offer protection against the risks of skin cancer.
This tropical fruit doubles as a healing agent with its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Researchers suggest that sipping red wine may have beneficial effects on our oral health.
Schoolchildren exposed to green areas have larger volumes of white and grey brain matter associated with better cognitive function.
Foraging for food is not new, but behind the recent foraging trend is a way to connect with fresh, seasonal food.
A new alternative to managing chronic pain is a mixture of working out on gym machines and musical jamming.
Higher yogurt intake is associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in hypertensive men and women.
Women who use cleaning products experience a greater decline in lung function than women who do not clean at all.
Your kitchen is the ultimate apothecary’s cabinet, filled with natural foods and ingredients that can provide the most powerful healing medicine of all.
A diet rich in saturated fats and sugar not only causes obesity but also leads to inflammation in the brain.
Histamine levels are significantly higher in bed bug infested homes which is a medical threat to our health.
Acne can happen to anyone, teens or even adults, and it can cause lots of emotional challenges to go with the physical discomfort. Fortunately, there are natural ways to deal with this uncomfortable problem.
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