It’s all too easy to drift through life without fully living each moment. Through yoga, you can tend to your thoughts and consciously live an empowering existence.
Contrary to popular belief, evening sleep does not affect sleep negatively.
Through yoga, you can move beyond the quest for the “perfect” body and find genuine self-acceptance. We take a look at yoga for body image.
A high red meat diet triples the levels of gut-generated TMAO chemical which is associated with heart disease.
Muscles are involved in every bodily movement, so here’s what you need to know to take care of them while maximising muscle mass and minimising muscle wastage.
Getting regular flu shots is vital for patients with heart failure.
A new study shows that even a single bout of semi intense exercise can activate glucose metabolism for a few days.
Though expensive, rose essential oil can transform your life from lacklustre to luxurious in just a few drops.
Do you suffer from digital dementia, age-related cognitive decline or a busy brain? Yoga can improve your emotional health, concentration, focus and memory.
Weight cycling or the constant losing and gaining of weight can lead to a higher risk of death.
People who are sensitive to caffeine, find the bitter taste of coffee more appealing.
The way babies laugh differs from human adult laughter.
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