Karen Bridgman considers a case of childhood arthritis. Find out what helped improve the condition.
Patients can conveniently access follow-up healthcare through virtual visits with their doctor.
Sleeping less than six hours increases the risk of atherosclerosis.
Exercise and a healthy diet may not be able to prevent gestational diabetes in pregnant women.
Stop….and savour with gratitude the beauty of that Christmas card, the gift, the tree, the dinner, the phone call from a friend, the smile of the girl at the checkout as she says ‘Merry Christmas’. Hang your heart and ears for a moment on the hello and goodbye of the person you are speaking to on the phone and savour the beauty of that exchange…as if it was forever.
New research finds egg metabolite is associated with lower risk of type two diabetes.
There is a growing body of evidence pointing to the negative health consequences of sugar-sweetened beverages including a heightened risk to the health of your kidneys. However, the findings from previous studies on kidney disease risk and sweetened beverages have been inconsistent. To provide more clarity, researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted […]
December is the month of festivities. It is also the month when you indulge in a lot of drinking as you attend parties, events and family get-together. By the end of this month, you are often less energetic, have put on a few kilos and are craving a good night’s sleep. However, you can easily […]
If you’d like to lose weight or work through disordered eating habits, it’s important to exercise self-compassion and become present with your plate.
The link between stress and infertility has been established in many studies and while the inverse cannot be proved, yoga, meditation and diet all play a part in creating a little bundle of joy.
Spending time with happy people makes you feel happier and also makes you more likely to be happy in the future. Carla Oates shares 8 ways to find true beauty.
Removing unhealthy foods from the supermarket checkout is linked to reduced unhealthy snack purchases.
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