
Replenish and reset with restorative yoga

Replenish and reset with restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is the perfect antidote to a busy day. While vinyasa yoga, flow yoga, hot yoga and power yoga have many beneficial benefits, attending a class in the evening can often feel like consuming a double espresso. Restorative yoga, on the other hand, is more akin to a soothing turmeric latte with home-made almond milk and cacao sprinkles!

EMFs (electromagnetic fields) – understanding them and your health

EMFs or electromagnetic fields can affect your health in many different ways. There is much controversy in the scientific world as to the harm they cause but the good news is there are many ways to counteract the impact they have on you. If you have medically unexplained illnesses or generally feel bad you can start to look in the areas of how much exposure you have to EMFs.

Does stress impact your gut health?

Does stress impact your gut health?

2020 has started with a lot of uncertainty for many, as we globally battle a pandemic. These uncertain times can lead to stress and stress can impact your overall health. But how could your gut play a role? I sat down with Leanne Mitchell, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Microba Microbiome Coach, to discuss … Deep […]