Besides being delicious, potatoes are packed with essential nutrients. Learn more about the history and benefits of this nourishing vegetable and discover some delicious ways to incorporate it into your diet.
The health benefits of omega-3 oils from fish are well documented but there are also concerns about mercury levels in fish. Are the benefits worth the risks?
Acupuncture face-lifts and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer facial rejuvenation treatments that not only address the lines on your face but can can improve your overall health.
Spending 15 minutes in a sauna isn’t just about relaxing, it will also do your body wonders.
Restrictive diets and extreme excercise regimes are popular weight-loss choices. The truth about these weight-loss methods however, is that they are more often than not ineffective – they tend to only produce short-term results, if any. Discover how to fight fat in the long run and stay healthy for a happier life!
There has been a great deal of news about Gingko biloba and its supposed health benefits. Read and learn what this miracle plant can do for your health!
As the largest internal organ, the liver plays a huge role in our health and wellbeing. Here are some great ways to nourish and protect this vital organ.
The concept of bioacoustics is based on some powerful insights into the fundamental nature of matter and energy. Discover how bioacoustics of music can improve your health.
When it comes to tackling debilitating migraines, tracking the root of the problem is the first step. Learn to identify your trigger factors and improve your quality of life.
Many women struggle to adapt when transitioning into menopause. Here are some ways to keep the passion alive over the long term.
We hear about it all the time, but do we really know what the metabolism is or how it really functions in our bodies?
Weigh out the pros and cons of drinking alcohol and learn how it can really affect your health.
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