
Build up your arm strength with yoga

Yoga is great for cultivating arm strength. Many women, myself included, feel their strength is somewhat lacking when it comes to the arms. Yoga offers a way to gradually build up that strength. Although many of the yoga positions that are arm intensive may seem physically challenging at first, it’s important to stick with them. Even if you can only hold the pose for a few seconds, it’s a start. Practise will help you progress and gradually cultivate strength and endurance.

Your natural skin care routine

Natural skin care options are a beneficial choice to help keep your skin looking and feeling smooth, radiant and supple. Natural skin care choices are a safe and gentle whereas other products that include harsh chemicals can cause dryness, strip the skin of natural oils and cause inflammation.

Start your New Year with yoga!

It’s a resolution we’ve probably heard before. Yoga is a perfect way to start off the new year. If you’ve practised yoga on and off, want to get more into your practice, are a newcomer or just want to know what all the fuss is about, here’s you chance. It’s the New Year and practising yoga is a resolution you can achieve easily!

Yoga & Fear

“Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure”.
– yoga wisdom from Rainier Maria Rilke.

Yoga & Bitching

“He who sees all beings in his own self, and his own self in all beings, loses all fear”.
– From Yoga Isa Upanishad

Yoga & Thoughts

“All things first originate in the mind. Things and events depend heavily on motivation” – Some yogic wisdom from The Dalai Lama I guess it’s true – I have to think about murdering my neighbours who drink excessively and argue at 3am, before I actually murder them…. Yours, Yoga Genie Chief Bloggist, Yoga Whatever…

Yoga & Loss of Unnecessary Things

“When I started doing asana, the yoga postures, I had a strong feeling of many unnecessary things dropping away – especially tension and inadequacy.” –          A yoga quote from Patricia Sullivan Ah inadequacy… How fortunate that this little gem should leap in to my lap after my previous reflection.  Thank you Patricia. Yours, Yoga Genie […]