
Herbal hypocrisy

Have you noticed that there is an inherent hypocrisy in the arguments often put forward by people who oppose herbal medicine? This hypocrisy was beautifully ullustrated by the news item on research showing that the herb Tansy can be useful for treating herpes infections ( The same article also carried a warning that Tansy can […]

How does a health practice owner work 20% less and make 40% more?

How does someone work 20% less and make 40% more?

This quick story might resonate for you.

I met with a client recently who completely amazed me. Karen (not her real name) owns a big practice with a lot of staff, a great reputation and a very high turnover. When I first took her on as a client, she told me she was working over 100 hours per week, completely stressed out, extremely worried about her health, sick of micromanaging everything, and her relationship was under a lot of stress to go with it all.

Bottom line, she felt she was “spinning plates” and it was clear to me that either something had to change for her, or else…

statin statistics

no matter how big or powerful the study on statins and CVD they cannot show a benefit of more than around 1%. But the claim big numbers like 25-45%. The reason for such a big discrepancy is that they use relative risk not real risk. If 3 people die out of 100 on the statin […]

cholesterol 1

Cholesterol is not the public enemy that it has been made out to be it is one of the most essential nutrients in the body. The only reason we have demonised it is because there is a drug, statins, that can lower the levels. Yes they do lower the levels of cholesterol extremely well but […]

The lifestyle approach

We now know the underlying cause of metabolic syndrome and diabetes and that they are lifestyle diseases. But we persist in treating them with drugs and giving these people lifestyle advice when it is already progressed after years of damage. The only difference between diabetes and prediabetes is really an arbitrary number. On one side […]