New analysis has diagnosed what caused the death and illness of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Water actually makes chilli peppers hotter.
Researchers have undertaken a genetic review of medicinal plants.
Using Botox to smooth away wrinkles has some long lasting, unexpected effects.
Vitamin E protects the membrane of your body’s cells and has anti-ageing effects.
The Dark Mistress is surfacing from a successful weight-loss routine of daily yoga, fasting, detox and health education at the Dharma Healing Centre on Ko Samui. Weight-loss fasting leaves you a lot of time on your hands – once the tyranny of shopping for, preparing and eating food vanishes, you, well… get time to think. […]
The recent screening by SBS of “Did Cooking Make Us Human?” during my week of post-fast raw food has given cause for consideration of cooking, and meat. Coming off a fast, raw food is recommended. Eat raw, very little, one new fruit or vegetable at a time, no protein until the 7th day. It has […]
Do we really need to eat so much food? Who says? For most of us, eating is about the relentless search for satisfaction – nutrition happens to be a convenient side-effect. Desire for food is more fundamental than desire for sex. We engage with food three or more times a day, by adulthood most of […]
Making a specific type of plan will help you keep your new year’s resolutions.
True to her name the dark mistress of denial has started fasting this week. Yes – taking a genuine break from food. No food for a full 7 days. The program is supervised of course, and with a few herbs to help along the way… but what a great teacher is fasting. For a start […]
Did you know despite all your attempts to detox, eat healthy, get enough rest etc. you could still be unknowingly putting toxins into your body – via your makeup, shampoo and skin care?
With Christmas time upon us, it’s very likely that many of your evenings and weekends are filled with festivities that involve eating, drinking and generally being merry. These social events can play havoc with your nutrition and exercise routine. The holiday season is a time to enjoy with family and friends, but you needn’t over-indulge.
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