

Your guide to iodine

Iodine plays a significant role in contributing to the healthy functioning of the body and, with a suspected 31 per cent of the global population at risk of deficiency, this is a mineral you need to know more about.

Natural Products to Assist Your Daily Living

Quite often we dismiss natural products as a first measure to use when we are ill. We have perhaps been programmed to some extent to expect quick relief for pain and to use other prescribed medications and we don’t think about natural remedies as being able to assist us in our daily living, but they can often help with many problems so we are not as reliant on drugs.

Why me? What makes you prone to tooth decay

Ever wandered why you may constantly be developing new cavities, while your friends have never even had a single filling? There may be many reasons behind this, but do not despair, there are also many solutions. This article may help shed some light on your struggle with tooth decay!


Working mum

Mothers who work while their children are young tend to be happier than stay-at-home mothers.

Weight-loss and the love of alcohol…

The Dark Mistress has been alcohol-free for about 6 weeks. I am noticing it less than I thought I would – given that my entire social life occurs in pubs and restaurants. The thing is… I will return to alcohol, because I actually respect the drug and it’s sacred mission. That mission, of course, would […]