Red wine consumption reduces a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer.
However exercise is such an important part of our daily life to stay healthy what do we do when we have endless days of rain and can’t go for a walk in the freezing cold
Homeopathic First Aid Remedies are for Acute Cases. Intense acute conditions need to be monitored frequently, with a review every 15 minutes to half hour. There should be a big turn around within 5 doses; if there is no change at all, it’s the wrong remedy. For mild acute conditions we don’t need to monitor […]
Using tablet computers may pose problems for your neck and shoulders.
A sugar tax may improve the health of society.
Stage 1 of Homeopathy was when German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann, over 200 years ago, had initially just discovered Homeopathy. This was when Cinchona bark was used to treat malaria. Cinchona bark produces fever with chills when proved. These are the symptoms of a malarial fever. This is the Law of Similars at work. Chinchona Officinalis […]
Did you know that a Vitamin D deficiency can make you very ill? Did you know it is a very important vitamin for your health and if your blood test says you are deficient then you must take the correct amount of supplement to stay healthy?
Doctors may soon prescribe an app for what ails you and an app will tell you when it’s coffee time.
Use of sleeping pills has been linked to a higher risk of death.
New laboratory testing is showing what probiotics can do in your gut.
I am boggled by the statistics of prescribed antibiotics use in Australia. I feel that a lot of it is not the public’s fault, but also the fault of their health professionals, who may find the use of antibiotics as the quickest way to ‘treat’ their patients. I know that this can also be tempting in a dental emergency, where dentists or medical GPs may not be able to accurately diagnose or haven’t got enough time to treat the affected tooth or gums. This article summarises the dangers of antibiotic overuse and misuse and gives some tips on how we can all help protect our community from the ‘superbug’ attacks.
Omega-3 supplements are big business but are you getting what you pay for?
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