Stress, hormone imbalance, poor gut health … Here we look at some of the physical obstacles that may prevent you from achieving the ideal weight for you.
Teenagers who engage in regular yoga receive psychological benefits.
In the blogs so far, I have written a lot about the complex nature of dental diseases and the many different factors which can cause or be associated with these diseases.This article series summarizes some ways in which medical conditions affect our dental health.
Why bother getting fit? Because fitness impacts on everything, from your body to your hormones to your brain. Read on for more reasons to get moving.
People who jog a few times a week live years longer than non-joggers.
No matter how much we attempt to protect ourselves from the cold often the temperature tends to bring more asthma, respiratory problems and exposes the weak to pleurisy and even pneumonia.
Protecting your skin is a two-step process: you need to focus on the internal health of your skin along with making smart choices about what to apply to the outside and cater for needs through different ages.
Pepper contains a substance that can stop fat cells being formed.
Why not spice up your training and increase motivation by setting yourself a personal fitness challenge?
Proving, or experimentation with remedies on healthy individuals, is a third principle and a must for any medicinal science. Hahnemann gave detailed instructions for provings in his Aphorisms 105-114. He was the first to introduce the concept of scientific experiments on medicinal substances as a basis for prescribing with them. From ancient times until well […]
Energy and sports drinks can harm your teeth.
Comparing yourself to others has an impact on your health.
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